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19 posts tagged with "dao"

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JB Members Conference with Chinese Community Members

· 4 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

On Tuesday, May 3rd (Wednesday May 4th local Chinese time), some Juicebox members (including jango, Zeugh, peri, filipv and your favorite author, to name just a few) engaged in an open discord call with Chinese-speaking JB community members and contributors. This article recaps some of the main points discussed. Also a huge shout-out to Zhape for his excellent on-the-fly translations!

Translation needs

The translation efforts are coming back underway as JB has overhauled its documents over the past few weeks. One area of concern was in how to best achieve accurate translations that can be written engagingly. The need for accurate translators, particularly who are comfortable working from English to Chinese, was underscored by Zhape. If you are comfortable translating into Chinese fluently and would like to contribute to translation efforts, reach out to Zotico in the #translation channel.

Guerilla Marketing Campaign and Community Building

Zeugh gave a brief highlight of some intended efforts at marketing and community building. Currently, there have been discussions to send some Juicebox contributors to Crypto or NFT conferences where they can network and spread the word about Juicebox. Possible eventual speaking opportunities at conferences, or sponsorships of conferences, are also being discussed, but at the moment the goal is to start small and see if we can spread the word about Juicebox and make meaningful connections between communities, or create opportunities for people to open projects on the Juicebox platform.

Translating outreach/community content

One area discussed was the importance of trying to make it a priority to translate into Chinese blog posts, interviews, or other materials that will help bridge the gap between our Chinese-speaking and English-speaking communities. For instance, an article such as this one that simply updates the community at large on a recent discord call, or an article that announces major changes coming with V2, would be excellent opportunities to inform our Chinese-speaking readers and to open the opportunity to gain feedback from them.

The state of V2

jango gave some insights on how the V2 protocol is coming along. Front-end of the protocol is still under development and coming along nicely, and in the mean time fine-tuning measures in the back-end continue to ensure a smooth rollout. The V2 protocol will allow many creative opportunities to build extensions, and offer more tools to project creation. So far early reception has been very good.

Tokenomics strategies

The question of how tokens should be disbursed, traded and valued also came up. The goal of ensuring that a project received the best rate of JBX per ETH is being discussed and worked on. Practically, this would mean that if a better JBX rate existed from an AMM, a project creator would receive that rate JBX at the AMM exchange rate. While JBX currently has low liquidity, one line of thinking is that such a system, which would necessarily drive traffic to such AMM’s, would serve as a mechanism to build those liquidity pools. Importantly, the impetus for such a process starting will likely come as Juicebox incentivizes these opportunities.

Voting equity

Another core topic of discussion was around voting equity in the current DAO governance. The question centered around how to strike a balance between early contributing members, such as jango, who have very large sums of JBX and thus have tremendous voting power, and members who may be contributing heavily but are newer, and thus have far lower voting power. This is a catch-22, but it is important to note that this imbalance is certainly aware to early contributors such as peri, jango and others. In the case of per and jango, they do not engage in voting for this reason (both were quick to point out). One solution is to continue issuing JBX, which will give more voting power to more individuals, but this also flies squarely against certain opinions to completely stop JBX issuance. It is a complex situation that has a lot of moving parts, and is inextricably linked to the JBX issuance/AMM situation mentioned above. Ultimately the thinking is that with these new changes, solutions may present themselves and we will see growth and directions in these domains.

Main Takeaways

This call provided important information and helped streamline communication between the English-speaking and Chinese-speaking Juicebox member communities. The nature of questions remained substantive throughout and finding a cadence to have such calls seems like a good strategy moving forward. A huge thank-you to our members, both English- and Chinese-speakers, for taking the time to hop on this call and for having such open and transparent discussions. And again a huge thank-you to Zhape, who translated and managed the discussion and kept a good flow going!

FC#18 Updates: v2 and Beyond

· 2 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Juicebox v2

Jango's proposal to Deploy v2 passed by overwhelming majority. You can learn more about v2 on the docs.

Currently, v2 is scheduled to deploy on April 16th.

Frontend efforts are already well underway: as of 2022-04-07, the V2 feature parity milestone is 64% complete. Feature parity is Phase 1 of PeelDAO's roadmap for v2.

veBanny Frontend

VeBanny has pushed into a new stage. We have completed all the Layers, Backgrounds and token spreads. The Ui for the VeBanny voting token minting site has been fully drafted. All contracts are written and nearly finalized. Next steps are to tighten up some front end pieces and start the build out.

For realtime progress updates, take a look at the Figma.

Juicebox High

Juicebox High is live (and you are on it right now)! Join the Discord and send a message in #documentation if you're interested in contributing or have ideas for improvements.

You can use the new blog with your RSS reader by adding or

Metaverse Festivities

Lexicon Devils has some amazing plans for April! Here's the schedule:

Head to the Juicebox Lounge to join!

Juicebox in the words of

Felixander has launched a new interview series called "Juicebox in the words of".

In his words: “Juicebox in the words of” is a series that highlights JB community members in interview form. Learn about members’ roles at JB and what makes them tick.

Interviews with zom, filipv, jango, and peri have already been published. You can find the latest interviews (and more) on the blog.


FC#20 temperature checks are live now. Head to the Discord and vote! Snapshot voting opens at 00:00 UTC on 2022-04-12.

Juicebox Benefits Program Explained

· 4 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
ARCx Contributor

You can claim your JBX here! For more information, read on.


Juicebox's legitimacy as a DAO is built upon sufficient decentralization of power, access, and ownership. To accomplish this ideal, Juicebox must attract and retain an active community that has Juicebox's long-term interests in mind.

One of the most direct methods for improving decentralization is the airdrop. Several airdrop proposals were made to this effect in FC#15, all of which were rejected.

JBP-103 - Distribute JBX to JBX Holders

JBP-102 - Distribute JBX to Juicebox Projects

JBP-101 - Distribute JBX to v1.1 Party Attendees

JBP-100 - Distribute JBX to Nicholas’ List

JBP-99 - Distribute JBX to Extended Community

As part of a new airdrop proposal, ARCx has crafted a Juicebox Benefits Score which identifies Juicebox community members based on their token holding behaviour and governance participation.

See JBP-114: Juicebox Benefits Airdrop

Score Methodology

The Juicebox Benefits Program identifies and rewards active community members who hold Juicebox DAO’s long-term interests at heart. The score rewards active contributors by measuring governance participation, and rewards long-term support by measuring how long a wallet has held JBX.

Governance Factor (60%)

The Governance Factor measures the number of Juicebox Snapshot proposals that a wallet has voted in. The wallet with the highest Governance score is given 600 points, and the wallet with the lowest score is given zero. All other wallets are linearly scored within those bounds—for example, a wallet that voted in half as many snapshot proposals would be given 300 points.

HODL Factor (40%)

The HODL Factor measures the number of UTC dates that a wallet has held at least 1 JBX (either claimed or unclaimed). The wallet with the highest HODL score is given 400 points, and the wallet with the lowest score is given zero. All other wallets are linearly scored within those bounds—for example, a wallet that held JBX for half as many dates would be given 200 points.

How to Claim

Visit and connect your wallet to see if you are eligible. You can also claim a free passport to view this score (and other scores) on

On 2022-06-07 at 22:00 UTC, any unclaimed JBX which remains in the smart contract will be returned to the multisig for future use.

Your score on might not be the same as your score on To prevent sybil attacks, the airdrop scores were measured at Ethereum block 14,263,369.

What's Next?

Going forward, the community could use the Juicebox Benefits score to make new airdrops, to set up a gated Merch Squad collection, to make gated Discord roles, or even to create exclusive Juicebox-themed ARCx passport skins. These scores are verifiable onchain, meaning they can be permissionlessly used in smart contracts or used through an API.

Some other examples mentioned by ARCx include:

  • Distributing airdrops equitably
  • Boosting smart contract staking yields
  • Verifying social status via Discord roles
  • Offering free smart contract insurance to the best users
  • Fee & product discounts
  • Many more

This score evolves with your behaviour over time! Although the methodology could evolve, Juicebox Benefits projects aim to reward active contributors which support Juicebox's long-term goals. Your participation and support of Juicebox will be reflected in these scores over time.

If you have ideas or suggestions, share them in the ARCx Discord or in #jbx-benefits on the Juicebox Discord.


Airdrop contract: 0x518e3CdBcda4f0735399c9F1e03A7aBC7562632f Merkle root: 0xba0ccda021dd3008d51728ccd530dfe42d6bba07f8118d8a796e26d80e305009 Sweeper: 0xAF28bcB48C40dBC86f52D459A6562F658fc94B1e

Main Repository

Airdrop CSV

Merkle Root(use yarn && yarn generate-list to verify).

Airdrop contract on Etherscan

arcx.moneyARCx TwitterARCx Discordjuicebox.moneyJuicebox TwitterJuicebox Discord

How I became a contributor to Juicebox.

· 3 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Becoming a contributor at JB wasn't exactly intentional.  It wasn't until a conversation with a community member that I was able to articulate and realize that getting paid was more than just a possibility. I had first learned about DAOs a few years ago but never really understood what they did or how they got things done.  How do DAOs coordinate? How do they align their philosophy?  How did they keep each other accountable?  All of these questions were very difficult for me to wrap my head around. I then stumbled upon JB after finding out about the NOUNS project and then finding SharkDao which was using Juicebox for its treasury.

What I talked about with this JB community member was the fact that I didn't say a word in Juicebox for 2 - 3 weeks.  I attended a couple of town hall meetings and listened in on some voice chats that were happening, not knowing what the agenda was or what they were going to be talking about.  I remember reading a bunch of  threads in Discord, trying to follow one or two specific issues, to see how the community tried to solve them.  What became clear was that it was important for me to not try to understand what a few people were doing, but to try and understand what the community was doing.  That was an epiphany for me.  It made me ask, "where do this community's values and my personal beliefs and ethics intersect?"

This was the moment I started to look for tasks that helped me align myself with the community philosophy.  I started to shift my mindset from a quiet observer to thinking about how I could provide value that  could help advance the protocol and in turn, the Juicebox Community.  As I was exploring, I realized that I was also learning how to navigate the community.  How to navigate the notion, the web site, the Discord and everything else that might go along with JB.

To those wanting to become Juicebox contributors: follow a couple of tasks or issues and see how those issues are being solved by the community.  Then see if those solutions line up with how you might handle those issues. That doesn't mean you have to agree.  It just means that how we talk to each other and how we interact with each other lines up with how you want to talk to people and how you want to be talked to.

If you start this way, not only will you find a way to contribute but you will see that the Juicebox community will help you contribute.  You'll see that Juicebox will view you not just as someone that has a valuable skill but someone that has a philosophy that aligns with the goals of the Juicebox community.

Current state of JuiceboxDAO membership

· 4 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

JBX membership is currently represented by 602,065,173 tokens:

Jango has 118,891,959 (19.74%) Peri has 100,255,206 (16.65%) DragonFly Capital has 48,048,000 (7.98%) SharkDAO has 30,063,667 (4.99%) JuiceboxDAO has 27,827,807 (4.62%) 4 addresses each have around 18,500,000 (3%) 13 addresses have between 5,000,000 - 15,000,000 (1-3%) 7 addresses have between 2,500,000 - 5,000,000 (0.5-1%) 28 addresses have between 500,000 - 5,000,000 (0.1-0.5%) 64 addresses have between 100,000 - 500,000 (0.01-0.1%) 56 addresses have less than 0.01%

Membership has been given to those who have helped build the protocol and the DAO, and to those who have supported the efforts by sending ETH to the treasury, with a preference for those who helped in any capacity in earlier funding cycles. Membership has been open to all since the protocol was deployed.

Currently in Funding Cycle #8, each 10 ETH contributed to the treasury by new or existing members mints the following amounts of JBX:

2,579,260 for the contributing member

416,649 for JuiceboxDAO 333,319 for Peri 333,319 for Jango 97,218 for Nicholas 97,218 for Exekias 55,553 for WAGMI Studios 55,553 for CanuDAO

Today, it would take a contribution of 278 ETH for the contributing member to get 10% of the total membership tokens.

Two months ago in funding cycle #4, each 10 ETH contributed to the treasury minted 3,931,200 JBX for the member.

The total amount of JBX issued to members per ETH accepted is decreasing by 10% every 2 weeks. At this current rate with 2 week funding cycles and 35% reserved, in funding cycle #12 each 10 ETH contributed to the treasury will only mint 1,692,252 JBX for the contributor.


  • Builders and contributors don't know what they're getting when they contribute ETH or are receivers of reserved tokens.
  • Membership is getting expensive.
  • JBDAOs strategy thus far has been to focus on building in the open, while making clear upfront the resources it needs to be able to build effectively.
  • No one in JBDAO has produced much work proposing how we might make membership more accessible to people or distribute it more widely, or why that might be worth prioritizing. Most of what is discussed is about how to solve problems for juicebox projects and for builders who want to come in and improve/grow the ecosystem.
  • The way JBDAO is using its 35% reserved rate ensures about 25% of any membership expansion the DAO makes goes to builders who are currently stewarding projects. If the DAO isn't growing its treasury, committed builders don't become substantial members. The remaining 10% go to JBDAO itself, which it hasn't done anything with yet.
  • The DAO's casual builders and helpers currently don't have a way to become members other than to make a contribution to the DAO of any amount.
  • It might be interesting for the DAO to tapper off its discount rate so that over time, members who consider joining are represented and feel welcome.
  • It might be interesting for the DAO to allocate all of a 35% reserved rate to itself so it can hand out some non-insignificant starter membership amounts to more people who are helping out casually, and to people who are currently cranking out tasks and getting to know the system but don't yet plan on sticking around for too long. The DAO could also give membership to other builders around web3 who might be creative and thoughtful voices to have in the room when determining how the DAO could allocate its treasury.

Open questions

  • How might the DAO distribute its allocation of JBX effectively to add more great members now and into the future?

Project updates 9/21/2021

· 7 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
Peel Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Last update: 9/07/2021

Current focus areas are:

  • Risk mitigation
  • Protocol upgrades
  • Web experience
  • Analytics
  • DAO relations
  • Liquidity pools
  • NFT marketplace
  • Governance
  • Materials

Focus areas

Risk mitigation

Goal: Make sure things don't go to zero.

Current team: jango (lead), exekias, peri.


  • nothing to report.

Help needed:

  • Reviewing V2 docs and tests.
  • Bug bounties now included in the V2 documentation that's underway.

Protocol Updates

Goal: Evolve the protocol to be more useful.

Current team: jango (lead), peri, exekias, nicholas


  • Progress on documentation. JBSplitStore, JBOperatorStore, JBPrices, and JBProjects are fully documented. See Protocol section of
  • Bug bounties now included in the V2 documentation

Help needed:

  • More eyes on the docs
  • Pursue leads for solidity audits in next 4-6 weeks

Web experience

Goal: Improve the Juicebox experience both for people starting communities and for communities that are growing.

Current team: peri (lead), jango, exekias


  • Added feature for JB Project owners to update assets listed in the Project UI
  • will eventually support 721 assets, too
  • 'Pay' button Call to Action can now be customized
  • Rinkeby support
  • JB Interface now has its own dedicated repo and issue tracking

Help needed:


Goal: Give projects rich insights into their community treasury.

Current team: peri (lead)


Contribution pipeline being refined. Subgraph now has a dedicated repo with a streamlined deployment flow.

Analytics roadmap being refined as steps for V2 migration become clearer.

Subgraph Deep Dive

Help needed:

DAO relations

Goal: Work towards making sure JB projects and the JB community have the resources and attention they need to get started and thrive.

*Current team: nati (lead), zeugh, mieos, nicholas, jango *


  • Jango and others converting people from DMs into discord members.
  • Lots of people coming into the DAO relations channel.
  • Pencil DAO created without any interaction with team. BrainDAO and others coming online.
  • Idea: Daoification Hackathon to help JuiceboxDAO members feel more comfortable onboarding others.
  • Meeting with largest single contributor: Conversation with Tom Schmidt of Dragonfly Capital
  • Lots of progress in Notion: Tools section, How to section.
  • Meeting notes becoming standardized and recordings much more frequent
  • Gitbook docs welcome page and contract addresses added.
  • Zeugh bought Sesh pro.

Help needed:

  • Project lead on Daoification hackathon where anyone can join in and create a bunch of projects on rinkeby to be more comfortable configuring and reconfiguring a JB.
  • Project lead needed to design and implement faster easier way to create "a DAO for your group chat". Can this be done with a Discord bot?Help Needed
  • Feedback to Zeugh for discord restructuring.
  • Adding info to Tools.
  • More people willing to record calls and upload.

Liquidity pools

Goal: Add support for JB treasury tokens in secondary markets for communities to be able to value their assets better.

Current team: exekias (lead), jango


  • No updates. Core dev team is focusing on V2 for the time being.
  • Might be a good move to fork the BarnBridge rewards contracts instead of the synthetix ones.

Help needed:

  • Someone to help test, verify, and deploy the staking contracts.

NFT Marketplace

Goal: Give JB projects a place to sell digital (and eventually physical) goods which pipe percentages of revenue to any number of addresses or Juicebox treasuries.

Current team: nicholas (lead), jango, peri


  • Looped in Peri and Mieios for NFTMKT specification feedback meeting.
  • Reprioritized NFTMKT, JB devs will do a sprint this coming week, Sept 27, 2021
  • Nailed down V1 spec with Peri's help. Updated architecture, replacing submit with list function, which will save on gas.
  • Reaffirmed permisionless design of NFTMKT and v2+ roadmap.
  • We will also stand up a couple 721 Creator contracts so artists collaborating with JB projects (e.g., Numo with Sharkdao) can create superior NFTs than on the OpenSea creator contract, which is closed source, centrally hosted metadata by default, and a shared contract. We anticipate one 721 contract for closed collections (where token supply is known in advance) and one open minting collection (where artist can add over time). Nico already has a closed collection contract that we can refine. Can also build a simple front-end to make this easy for artist collaborators (and the broader NFT ecosystem).
  • We continue to experiment with ideas about spinning NFTMKT off into its own JB project because the opportunity is large, and we believe that small teams working on focused projects are more effective than one overwhelmingly large vertically integrated JB protocol team. Perhaps initially staffed by same dev team as JB. Can focus on NFTMKT and the creator contracts. Could collect a fee for NFTs sold through the marketplace (2.5% like opensea?) or could be free. If it had revenue it would have more opportunity to expand dev team. Also thinking about token-swaps between NFTMKT and JB 📈🤝.
  • Increasing belief that NFTMKT will solve the DEX vs JB dilemma facing DEX-traded DAO tokens, where the DEX is always a better price than the JB, by game-theoretic definition. This limits DAOs' ability to fundraise because DEX trades do not affect DAO treasuries. NFTMKT will allow DAOs like Shark to largely replace direct-to-JB appeals. DEX purchases may still offer cheaper DAO tokens than the NFTMKT, but buyers will not get access to limited edition NFTs via the DEXes. NFTMKT will also be more fun and easy to use for NFT acclimated, compared to JB or DEXes which are unfamiliar to many in that space.
  • The team is very excited about the promising design specification and roadmap for the NFTMKT.
  • Nicholas also discussed with Mieos affordances in the 721 contracts that will enable WAGMI to create NFTs on behalf of client DAOs. Achievable design requirements even within the V1 spec.

Help needed:

  • Review read methods & TheGraph events with Exekias or Peri this coming week
  • Nico x Jango will collab to finalize v1 NFTMKT solidity
  • Nico to talk to Pencil DAO


*Goal: Plan how we make decisions within the community. *

Current team: 9birdy9 (lead), zheug, jango, unicornio


  • New voting process
  • Finalized proposal process
  • New governance process:


Includes Proposal Templates for each common type of proposal.

All JBX holders participate in votes that affect big picture JBX variables.

Changes to recurring payouts are voted on by addresses currently receiving payouts as they have greatest insight and are most affected by such changes.

Changes to reserved token allocation voted on by addresses currently receiving reserved tokens as they are most affected.

Addresses receiving payouts are expected to vote.

  • Discussion about whether large token holders and people on reserved list should have max voting capacity or some quadratic strategy that limits outsized impact.
  • First trial of these new templates in current governance process.
  • @9birdy9's trial payout proposal is the first proposal sent to snapshot according to these forms.
  • FC5 reserved JBX tokens will be passed without a formal snapshot for lack of sufficient time to complete our governance snapshot process. We will use snapshots for future reserved token proposals.
  • Creation of BANNY gov participation incentivisation token — An airdrop is in the works.

Help needed:

  • Refining governance process:
  • Creating informational foundations to keep people up to date on governance proposals/timelines.


Goal: Videos/visuals/memes/stuff that radiates Juicebox vibes.

Current team: WAGMI studios


  • WAGMI producing cultural content
  • Published overflow video

Help needed:

  • Feedback on content
  • How can WAGMI help juicebox projects launch
  • Helping onboard
  • Developing visual identity (cultural material)

Project updates 9/7/2021

· 5 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
Peel Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Co-authored: jango, peri, exekias, nati, nicholas, zeugh

Current focus areas are:

  • Risk mitigation
  • Web experience
  • DAO relations
  • Analytics
  • Liquidity pools
  • NFT marketplace
  • Governance
  • Protocol upgrades
  • Materials

Focus areas

Risk mitigation

Goal: Make sure things don't go to zero.

Current team: jango (lead), exekias, peri.


  • No new bugs/problems discovered in the contracts.
  • New repo where security issues are documented here.
  • Wallet connection issues in the front end solved. One remaining bug where connecting wallet from the projects page sometimes causes the beneficiary field of payments.
  • DefiYield auditors seems to have dropped off. Need to follow up again.
  • Focus on security now moved to V2. Documentation, tests, audits, etc.

Help needed:

  • It'd be great if more folks could help write tests and review the code and documentation as it gets done. We should collaboratively mold this into its final, secure form.

Web experience

Goal: Improve the Juicebox experience both for people starting communities and for communities that are growing.

Current team: peri (lead), jango, exekias


  • New analytics data in project dashboards. Still room to grow, more data sourced into The Graph and ready to use.

  • New wallet connection integration. Can now connect with many other wallets with BlockNative integration.
  • Progress on Github issues backlog.
  • Wording in the interface being reconsidered:  "staking" vs "claiming".
  • Researching different UIs for different treasury types.

Help wanted:

DAO relations

Goal: Work towards making sure JB projects and the JB community have the resources and attention they need to get started and thrive.

Current team: nati (lead), jango, nicholas, mieos, zeugh


  • Gitbook updates underway. Walkthrough, explanation of processes.
  • Working with Whiteboard crypto, UltraDao, BeatsDao.
  • Focusing on established DAOs. Might refocus to newer DAOs later.
  • People should forward questions from #support and from other JB projects to Nati to aggregate into docs.


Goal: Give projects rich insights into their community treasury.

Current team: peri (lead), buradorii


  • Most updated in the UI under the "Web experience" focus.
  • Experimenting with what data can be accessible in the UI.
  • No updates on Flipside or Dune analytics.
  • People want to see current token holders for each projects.
  • People want to see current FC vs upcoming FC.
  • People want to see the price the treasury token is being sold at over time.
  • People want to see the percent of the tokens that they will own at the time of making payments.
  • People want to be able to play out funding cycle scenarios before making reconfigurations.

Open to help:

  • Index more Subgraph events.
  • Display discount rates (tokens/ETH) of past funding cycles.

Liquidity pools

Goal: Add support for JB treasury tokens in secondary markets for communities to be able to value their assets better.

Current team: exekias (lead), jango


Help wanted:

  • Comms with JBX project owners (e.g., SHARK) to understand their needs from a staking reward/LP perspective.
  • Devs with staking rewards expertise.

NFT Marketplace

Goal: Give JB projects a place to sell digital (and eventually physical) goods which pipe percentages of revenue to any number of addresses or Juicebox treasuries.

Current team: nicholas (lead), jango, peri


  • Big demand from SharkDAO (and others?).
  • Draft of contract looking good.
  • Plan for V1 is no UI on, make bare bones JS SDK/library with/for Shark to build a NFT MKT into their forthcoming website.
  • Need to finalize what will be included in v1, and what won't.
  • Specification draft
  • Github repo (private for now)


  • Finalize spec for v1
  • Get a working v0 implementation on Rinkeby by Monday 2021-09-13 EOD
  • Get a basic 721 contract together to mint NFTs that we can submit to the marketplace

Help needed:

  • Jango will help with contract implementation and testing (thank you –nicholas)
  • Next week open to help starting building a JS SDK


Goal: Plan out how we will make decisions together.

Current team: zheug (lead), unicornio, 9birdy9


  • Trying coordinape to test a reputation system. The epoch system feels good, didn't give us the easy integration to voting that we needed after the epoch.
  • We're still wroking on our basic model for how to make decisions. Need to balance governance power between token holders and reputation/contributions but we haven't got a way to test it yet.
  • We can, at the moment, take the csv of reputation distributed after the Epoch, but are still looking on how to import those in a strategy to snapshot. Need help from more dev oriented folks to communicate coordinape results onto snapshot.

Help needed:

  • We need some dev/snapshot help to integrate our new governance system into a snapshot strategy.

Protocol upgrades

Goal: Evolve the protocol to be more useful.

Current team: jango (lead), peri, exekias, nicholas


  • V2 has been announced here.
  • Reviewed V2 with Peri, Exekias, and Nicholas, got very valuable feedback that is being iterated on.
  • Docs for V2 are in progress here.

Help needed:

  • Same as in the "Risk mitigation" section.


Goal: Videos/visuals/memes/stuff that radiates Juicebox vibes.

Current team: WAGMI studios

This is a new section that will have updates next time

Juicebox: Project update and FC4 proposal

· 5 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Only a few minor changes are needed for Funding Cycle #4. All of the focus areas remain the same, with the addition of one new area for "Protocol upgrades". Updates to each are outlined below.


As a DAO, we should continue focusing on the following areas:

Risk mitigation

*Goal: Make sure things don't go to zero. *

Current team: jango (lead), exekias


  • One low severity bug was discovered, an explanation of what happened can be found here, and a postmortem is available here.
  • We're underway with a baseline audit being performed by DeFiYield.
  • We still need to outline a bug bounty program with associated rewards for discovered vulnerabilities of varying severities.

UX improvements

Goal: Improve and make templates for project onboarding and the project dashboard.

Current team: peri (lead), jango, exekias


  • Added Web3 connect support for various other wallets using blocknative. See this PR.
  • Updated the "Projects" page of the site to be sortable by "Total earned".
  • Added a data feed to each project feed to view total amount of ETH contributed by each address.
  • Several bug fixes.

Project support, education, & docs

*Goal: Make sure JB projects have the resources they need to get started and thrive. *

Current team: jango (lead), natimuril, WAGMI Studios, CanuDAO


  • Helped SharkDAO launch an AMM pool for their treasury token.
  • Several conversations with projects that are interested in building their treasury using Juicebox. Actively workshopping solutions for ScribeDAO and Phlote, with FingerprintsDAO, $Loot, and a project by NiftyTable also on the radar.
  • No significant updates on tech or process documentation. We need to make progress here as we continue to understand the materials that projects and contributors need to be successful.


Goal: Give projects rich insights into their community treasury.

Current team: peri (lead), buradorii


  • A new data feed that shows how much each address has contributed to each project has been added to each project page on
  • Progress has been made on charts that show a project's P&L using Flipside analytics tool.
  • We have yet to deliver a data dashboard to projects. We're still working towards this end.

Liquidity pools

Goal: Add support for JB treasury tokens in secondary markets.

Current team: exekias (lead), jango


  • SharkDAO's SHARK token has been pooled with ETH on Sushiswap, you can see the analytics here. SharkDAO's Juicebox page was closed during this transition, with plans to reopen in the coming days.
  • Research is underway to provide a staking contract to projects where LP rewards can be distributed.


Goal: Give JB projects a place to sell digital goods (and physical?) which pipe percentages of revenue to any number of addresses and Juicebox treasuries. * Current team: nicholas (lead), jango, peri*


  • Researched how other protocols are doing split payments.
  • Finalized the user journeys that we're trying to solve.
  • Begun workshopping how the contracts should be architected.
  • Begun ideating on what the UX should be.


Goal: Plan out how we will make decisions together.

Current team: zheug (lead), unicornio


  • Created a process schema to follow when making proposals, voting on them, and conveying the decision on-chain.
  • Created a Coordinape page where we can experiment with reputation assignment.
  • Governance meetings are beginning to happen regularly on Tuesdays.

Protocol upgrades  

*Goal: Evolve the protocol to be more useful and remove friction from the treasury management process. *

Current team: jango (lead), exekias, peri, nicholas


  • A TerminalV2 contract is well underway. This update will allow projects to customize their treasury strategy entirely. Details tbd, implementation and ongoing tests can be found here.
  • TerminalV2 will patches an edge case bug found, mentioned earlier under  "Risk mitigation"

My proposal for FC4:

Duration: 14 days (no change)

Ballot: 3 day delay (changed from 7 day) A reconfiguration proposal must be submitted 3 days before the end of the current funding cycle. Reconfiguration decisions are feelings a little rushed. Changing the ballot delay from 7-days to 3-days gives us a bit more time than what we currently have for evaluating proposals and conveying changes on-chain.

Discount rate: 10% The discount rate should continue to compound at 10% to reward contributors who continue to fund the JuiceboxDAO treasury at this risky stage.

Bonding curve: 60% (+-0%) No need to change this. Still arbitrary, but there's no demand to redeem right now, so might as well keep it this tight as we adjust the discount rate.

**Payouts: **$33.5k total

I propose we pay exekias, nicholas, nati, and buradorii slightly more.

Core contributors

  • **jango **| dev: $10k (no change)
  • **peripheralist **| dev : $10k (no change)
  • **CanuDAO **|comms:$2.5k (no change)
  • **WAGMI Studios **| *art, animations, and educational content: $2.5k *(no change)
  • **exekias **| dev: $4k (+ $1k) Exekias has bee hands on with all aspects of the code. Increasingly becoming an integral part of the core dev staff.

Experimental contributors

  • nicholas | dev: $2k (+ $500) Nicholas has begun writing code, he's been an active voice in our community, and he's helping to progress pivotal discussions forward.
  • **nati **| community relations: $1k (+$500) Nati has begun onboarding DAOs onto Juicebox and is also helping progress pivotal discussions forward.
  • Buradorii | *analytics: $1k *(+$500) Buradorii has begun publishing Flipside data dashboards. We've yet to aggregate charts and deliver them to projects.


  • Figma, Infura, Gitbook, Mee6 & Fleek subscriptions | $500

Reserved rate: 35% (No change) We should continue to allocate 25% to core contributors, and reserve 10% for ETH/JBX liquidity provider incentives (soon).

Reserved token distribution:

  • **jango: **35%
  • peripheralist: 35%
  • CanuDAO: 10%
  • WAGMI Studios: 10%
  • exekias: 7.5%
  • misc: 2.5% - for on-demand incentives paid out by the multisig wallet.

Juicebox: Funding Cycle #3 proposal

· 7 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Three trends have characterized these past 30 days:

  • Several projects were spun up on Juicebox, entrusting the protocol to manage their money, and the JuiceboxDAO staff to help execute their treasury decisions. Several more reached out with plans to launch soon.
  • People came together to help crowdfund JuiceboxDAO alongside the fees paid by the first batch of projects. They all took on the laid-out risks and lent us their trust.
  • Some very talented, caring, insightful, passionate people showed the fuck up and want to build.

It may ultimately be too early to tell, but it seems we might have not only found product market fit, we've found it across several different treasury use cases: DAOs that ship products (JuiceboxDAO, TileDAO), DAOs that collect NFTs (SharkDAO), boutique service shops (WAGMI Studios, CanuDAO), NFT galleries, and group bidding. There are still several improvements to make for each of these treasury use cases while maintaining a cohesive experience, and I see clear potential for even more diversity of ideas.

We are a little over 30 days in, this is just the beginning. I'm confident the Juicebox protocol can stretch much, much further.


As a DAO, we should consider focusing on the following areas:

  • Risk mitigation | make sure things don't go to zero. current lead: jango, exekias

  • **UX improvements **| improve and make templates for project onboarding and the project dashboard. current lead: peripheralist

  • Project support, education, & docs | make sure JB projects have the resources they need to get started and thrive. current lead: jango, natimuril, WAGMI Studios, CanuDAO

  • Analytics | give projects rich insights into their community treasury. current lead: peripheralist (, Buradorii?)

  • **Liquidity pools **| add support for JB treasury tokens in secondary markets. current lead: exekias

  • Marketplace | give JB projects a place to sell digital goods (and physical?) which pipe percentages of revenue to any number of addresses and juicebox treasuries. current lead: jango, nicholas, peripheralist

  • Governance | plan out how we will make decisions together. current lead: zheug (, unicornio?)

My proposal for FC#3:

Duration: 14 days (no change) I think we can find a nice pace with 14 day funding cycles. Let's stick with this.

Ballot: 7 day buffer (no change) A reconfiguration proposal must be submitted 7 days before the end of the current funding cycle. I think we can get the hang of having the opportunity to vote on proposals every other week, with decisions made one week prior to them taking effect.  This time frame is only possible thanks to CanuDAO, who's staff is managing our communications and operations. They've done a marvelous job getting things organized and keeping everyone on the same page.

Discount rate: 10% (-6%) The discount rate should be further reduced by 6%. This is arbitrary, but it continues to give those who commit funds during FC#3 a good discounted rate to adjust for the risk of being early while continuing the process of tapering the rate off.

The goal is to reduce the rate over time as risk subsides (code risk, infrastructure risk, usability risk, organization risk, governance risk).

It pays to be early and to take the risk sooner rather than later.

Bonding curve: 60% (+-0%) No need to change this. Still arbitrary, but there's no demand to redeem right now, so might as well keep it this tight as we adjust the discount rate.

**Payouts: **$71k total (including $40k bug bounty that could be returned if unused)

I propose we raise the target to properly hire the people and projects who are already showing up and making things flow and grow, and experiment with payouts to a few up-and-coming contributors.

This also allows core contributors to embed themselves in the communities of emerging projects built with Juicebox and have cash-on-hand to support those they believe in. Actively supporting these communities is everything.

Core contributors

  • **jango **| dev: $10k Lead.
  • **peripheralist **| dev : $10k Peripheralist has not only built the Juicebox website and been improving it since launch, he also successfully launched TileDAO around a gorgeous art project he wrote. He's got first hand experience leading a community and business around a Juicebox treasury. There's no better dev to have on board.
  • **CanuDAO **|comms:$2.5k Since CanuDAO's staff, zeugh and mvh3030, joined our community and gotten to work, everything seems to be running smoother. They keep our Discord organized, help with community onboarding, make sure everyone is heard and treated with respect, and makes sure the rest of the contributors can continue working towards what's ahead.

This payout is an investment in CanuDAO, we'll get their juicebox project's treasury tokens in return.

  • **WAGMI Studios **| art, animations, and educational content: $2.5k WAGMI Studios is working towards putting out art, animations, and visual assets that strengthen and add color and character to the concepts that we're working on. This will increasingly important going forward as we reach beyond a crypto-native audience.

This payout is an investment in WAGMI Studios, we'll get their juicebox project's treasury tokens in return.

Experimental contributors

  • **exekias **| dev : $3k Since Juicebox's launch, exekias has helped write infrastructure contracts for piping marketplace royalties back to Juicebox treasuries, helped with dev ops, and helped tease out complex ideas out with the rest of the team. More importantly, he launched WikiTokenDAO – he has first hand experience with dev onboarding onto Juicebox, getting a Juicebox treasury funded, and building a community around it. We want him on our team.
  • nicholas | dev: $1.5k We need someone who can help us create a generalized NFT marketplace template that pipes a project's sales into Juicebox treasuries. This has emerged as a need for several projects in the ecosystem. Nicholas has been working on a product called NFTstory for the past several months and is intimately familiar with the ERC-721 standard and how it can be improved and extended. He's expressed interest in working with me to take this project on, he just might be the perfect dev for it. Let's see how things go.
  • **natimuril **| project support: $500 Projects that are building on Juicebox tend to need someone to be available for questions, ideation, and support. Natimuril will start helping us out with need, and eventually take on the responsibility fully herself. If all goes well, her idea is to operationalize her process and grow a collective around this community service effort.
  • Buradorii | analytics: $500 We need someone who can help form and execute queries on the treasury data that Juicebox projects are putting out, turn these into visual dashboards, and help to tell stories from the data. Buradorii has begun experimenting with running Dune analytics queries over the past week, and seems to be getting the hang of it.


  • Bug Bounty | $40k A total of $20k to pay out to whitehat hackers who report vulnerabilities. Payouts will be according to bug severity. Moe info coming soon. This payout will be returned to the treasury if unused.
  • Figma, Infura, Gitbook, Mee6 & Fleek subscriptions | $500

Reserved rate: 35% (+ 10%) The reserve rate should increase by 10%. We should continue to allocate 25% to core contributors, and we should add an additional 10% for ETH/JBX liquidity provider incentives.

Reserved token distribution:

  • **jango: **35%
  • peripheralist: 35%
  • CanuDAO: 10%
  • WAGMI Studios: 10%
  • exekias: 7.5%
  • misc: 2.5% - for on-demand incentives paid out by the multisig wallet.

There are still no guarantees for future payouts to anyone mentioned here, including myself. We'll have to come together over time to reassess allocations based on how things go, including pay increases and reserved JBX to experimental contributors who prove to be invaluable to the community over time.

Juicebox: Funding Cycle #2 proposal

· 3 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

JuiceboxDAO's second funding cycle will have the following goals:

  • Continue working with projects that have expressed interest in launching using the Juicebox protocol as its treasury. There's at least one project slated to deploy over the next few weeks.
  • Get the community organized: Discord, voting, roles, etc. We will organize and execute a community vote to determine the configuration of FC#3.
  • Build UIs for projects to access back office stuff like creating direct payment addresses, transfer project ownership, and allow operators to access UI components currently only accessible to owners.
  • Get the hang of writing Dune analytics queries to start visualizing Juicebox protocol data. The goal is to provide this data to projects using Juicebox.
  • Continue outreach efforts to broader Ethereum communities on Twitter and Discord.

I propose the following reconfiguration:

Duration: 14 days Let's experiment with a shorter cycle to see what happens. It gives us scope for one solid sprint with the goal of involving more of the community in the next reconfiguration decision.

As the project matures, I expect more planned out, longer cycles instead of these shorter ones.

Ballot: 3 day buffer A reconfiguration proposal must be submitted 3 days before the end of the funding cycle.

Discount rate: 16% (-4%) The discount rate should be reduced by 4%. This continues to give those who commit funds during FC#2 a good discounted rate to adjust for the risk of being early, but begins the process of tapering the rate off.

The goal is to reduce the rate over time to make a contribution during FC#1 valued around 2X the same contribution made 6 months later.

It pays to be early and to take the risk sooner rather than later.

Bonding curve: 60% (no change) There's relatively little overflow, and the JBX distribution is still narrow. No need to change this.

**Payouts: **$10,750 total

  • jango: $4k Project lead.
  • peripheralist: $2.5k Front end lead.
  • zeugh: $1K Organize and lead community.
  • WAGMI Studios: $1.25k Educational content and art.
  • Figma, Infura, Gitbook, & Fleek subscriptions cost around $500 monthly.
  • **exekias: **$750 Dev contributor.
  • **galbi: **$500 Dev contributor.
  • **nervetrip: **$250 Dev contributor.

Reserved rate: 25% (+15%) The reserve rate should be increased 15%. This gives me and my fellow founding contributors room to add a slight incentive bump for ourselves (we've been busier than we imagined right out of the gate), and to allocate new distributions. It also puts slightly more tokens in the hands of core contributors to help guide the project in the early stages, while still giving the bulk of tokens to external supporters to diversify our token holders.

Reserved token distribution:

  • **jango: **35%
  • peripheralist: 35%
  • WAGMI Studios: 10%
  • zeugh: 10%
  • exekias: 7.5%
  • misc: 2.5% - used for on-demand incentives by the multisig.