Mainnet: 0x46C9999A2EDCD5aA177ed7E8af90c68b7d75Ba46
Inherits: ITerminalDirectory
, Operatable
Allows project owners to deploy proxy contracts that can pay them when receiving funds directly.
State Variables
mapping(uint256 => IDirectPaymentAddress[]) private _addressesOf;
The Projects contract which mints ERC-721's that represent project ownership and transfers.
IProjects public immutable override projects;
For each project ID, the juicebox terminal that the direct payment addresses are proxies for.
mapping(uint256 => ITerminal) public override terminalOf;
For each address, the address that will be used as the beneficiary of direct payments made.
mapping(address => address) public override beneficiaryOf;
For each address, the preference of whether ticket will be auto claimed as ERC20s when a payment is made.
mapping(address => bool) public override unstakedTicketsPreferenceOf;
A list of all direct payment addresses for the specified project ID.
function addressesOf(uint256 _projectId) external view override returns (IDirectPaymentAddress[] memory);
Name | Type | Description |
_projectId | uint256 | The ID of the project to get direct payment addresses for. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | IDirectPaymentAddress[] | A list of direct payment addresses for the specified project ID. |
constructor(IProjects _projects, IOperatorStore _operatorStore) Operatable(_operatorStore);
Name | Type | Description |
_projects | IProjects | A Projects contract which mints ERC-721's that represent project ownership and transfers. |
_operatorStore | IOperatorStore | A contract storing operator assignments. |
Allows anyone to deploy a new direct payment address for a project.
function deployAddress(uint256 _projectId, string calldata _memo) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
_projectId | uint256 | The ID of the project to deploy a direct payment address for. |
_memo | string | The note to use for payments made through the new direct payment address. |
Update the juicebox terminal that payments to direct payment addresses will be forwarded for the specified project ID.
function setTerminal(uint256 _projectId, ITerminal _terminal) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
_projectId | uint256 | The ID of the project to set a new terminal for. |
_terminal | ITerminal | The new terminal to set. |
Allows any address to pre set the beneficiary of their payments to any direct payment address, and to pre set whether to prefer to unstake tickets into ERC20's when making a payment.
function setPayerPreferences(address _beneficiary, bool _preferUnstakedTickets) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
_beneficiary | address | The beneficiary to set. |
_preferUnstakedTickets | bool | The preference to set. |