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Funding Cycles


@param _terminalDirectory A directory of a project's current Juicebox terminal to receive payments in.
constructor(ITerminalDirectory _terminalDirectory)


Get the funding cycle with the given ID.

@param _fundingCycleId The ID of the funding cycle to get.

@return _fundingCycle The funding cycle.
function get(uint256 _fundingCycleId)
returns (FundingCycle memory)
The funding cycle that's next up for a project, and therefor not currently accepting payments.

This runs roughly similar logic to `_configurable`.

@param _projectId The ID of the project being looked through.

@return _fundingCycle The queued funding cycle.
function queuedOf(uint256 _projectId)
returns (FundingCycle memory)
The funding cycle that is currently active for the specified project.

This runs very similar logic to `_tappable`.

@param _projectId The ID of the project being looked through.

@return fundingCycle The current funding cycle.
function currentOf(uint256 _projectId)
returns (FundingCycle memory fundingCycle)
The current ballot state of the project.

@param _projectId The ID of the project to check for a pending reconfiguration.

@return The current ballot's state.
function currentBallotStateOf(uint256 _projectId)
returns (BallotState)


Configures the next eligible funding cycle for the specified project.

Only a project's current terminal can configure its funding cycles.

@param _projectId The ID of the project being reconfigured.
@param _properties The funding cycle configuration.
@dev The amount that the project wants to receive in each funding cycle. 18 decimals.
@dev _properties.currency The currency of the `_target`. Send 0 for ETH or 1 for USD.
@dev _properties.duration The duration of the funding cycle for which the `_target` amount is needed. Measured in days.
Set to 0 for no expiry and to be able to reconfigure anytime.
@dev _cycleLimit The number of cycles that this configuration should last for before going back to the last permanent. This does nothing for a project's first funding cycle.
@dev _properties.discountRate A number from 0-200 indicating how valuable a contribution to this funding cycle is compared to previous funding cycles.
If it's 0, each funding cycle will have equal weight.
If the number is 100, a contribution to the next funding cycle will only give you 90% of tickets given to a contribution of the same amount during the current funding cycle.
If the number is 200, a contribution to the next funding cycle will only give you 80% of tickets given to a contribution of the same amoutn during the current funding cycle.
If the number is 201, an non-recurring funding cycle will get made.
@dev _ballot The new ballot that will be used to approve subsequent reconfigurations.
@param _metadata Data to associate with this funding cycle configuration.
@param _fee The fee that this configuration will incure when tapping.
@param _configureActiveFundingCycle If a funding cycle that has already started should be configurable.

@return fundingCycle The funding cycle that the configuration will take effect during.
function configure(
uint256 _projectId,
FundingCycleProperties calldata _properties,
uint256 _metadata,
uint256 _fee,
bool _configureActiveFundingCycle
returns (FundingCycle memory fundingCycle)
Tap funds from a project's currently tappable funding cycle.

Only a project's current terminal can tap funds for its funding cycles.

@param _projectId The ID of the project being tapped.
@param _amount The amount being tapped.

@return fundingCycle The tapped funding cycle.
function tap(uint256 _projectId, uint256 _amount)
returns (FundingCycle memory fundingCycle)