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  • member: reservedPercent The reserved percent of the ruleset. This number is a percentage calculated out of JBConstants.MAX_RESERVED_PERCENT.

  • member: cashOutTaxRate The cash out tax rate of the ruleset. This number is a percentage calculated out of JBConstants.MAX_CASH_OUT_TAX_RATE.

  • member: baseCurrency The currency on which to base the ruleset's weight.

  • member: pausePay A flag indicating if the pay functionality should be paused during the ruleset.

  • member: pauseCreditTransfers A flag indicating if the project token transfer functionality should be paused during the funding cycle.

  • member: allowOwnerMinting A flag indicating if the project owner or an operator with the MINT_TOKENS permission from the owner should be allowed to mint project tokens on demand during this ruleset.

  • member: allowTerminalMigration A flag indicating if migrating terminals should be allowed during this ruleset.

  • member: allowSetTerminals A flag indicating if a project's terminals can be added or removed.

  • member: allowSetController A flag indicating if a project's controller can be changed.

  • member: allowAddAccountingContext A flag indicating if a project can add new accounting contexts for its terminals to use.

  • member: allowAddPriceFeed A flag indicating if a project can add new price feeds to calculate exchange rates between its tokens.

  • member: holdFees A flag indicating if fees should be held during this ruleset.

  • member: useTotalSurplusForCashOut A flag indicating if cash outs should use the project's balance held in all terminals instead of the project's local terminal balance from which the cash out is being fulfilled.

  • member: useDataHookForCashOuts A flag indicating if the data hook should be used for cash out transactions during this ruleset.

  • member: metadata Metadata of the metadata, up to uint8 in size.

struct JBPayDataHookRulesetMetadata {
uint16 reservedPercent;
uint16 cashOutTaxRate;
uint32 baseCurrency;
bool pausePay;
bool pauseCreditTransfers;
bool allowOwnerMinting;
bool allowTerminalMigration;
bool allowSetTerminals;
bool allowSetController;
bool allowAddAccountingContext;
bool allowAddPriceFeed;
bool ownerMustSendPayouts;
bool holdFees;
bool useTotalSurplusForCashOuts;
bool useDataHookForCashOut;
uint16 metadata;