
Juicebox: Funding Cycle #3 proposal

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Three trends have characterized these past 30 days:

  • Several projects were spun up on Juicebox, entrusting the protocol to manage their money, and the JuiceboxDAO staff to help execute their treasury decisions. Several more reached out with plans to launch soon.
  • People came together to help crowdfund JuiceboxDAO alongside the fees paid by the first batch of projects. They all took on the laid-out risks and lent us their trust.
  • Some very talented, caring, insightful, passionate people showed the fuck up and want to build.

It may ultimately be too early to tell, but it seems we might have not only found product market fit, we've found it across several different treasury use cases: DAOs that ship products (JuiceboxDAO, TileDAO), DAOs that collect NFTs (SharkDAO), boutique service shops (WAGMI Studios, CanuDAO), NFT galleries, and group bidding. There are still several improvements to make for each of these treasury use cases while maintaining a cohesive experience, and I see clear potential for even more diversity of ideas.

We are a little over 30 days in, this is just the beginning. I'm confident the Juicebox protocol can stretch much, much further.


As a DAO, we should consider focusing on the following areas:

  • Risk mitigation | make sure things don't go to zero. current lead: jango, exekias

  • **UX improvements **| improve and make templates for project onboarding and the project dashboard. current lead: peripheralist

  • Project support, education, & docs | make sure JB projects have the resources they need to get started and thrive. current lead: jango, natimuril, WAGMI Studios, CanuDAO

  • Analytics | give projects rich insights into their community treasury. current lead: peripheralist (, Buradorii?)

  • **Liquidity pools **| add support for JB treasury tokens in secondary markets. current lead: exekias

  • Marketplace | give JB projects a place to sell digital goods (and physical?) which pipe percentages of revenue to any number of addresses and juicebox treasuries. current lead: jango, nicholas, peripheralist

  • Governance | plan out how we will make decisions together. current lead: zheug (, unicornio?)

My proposal for FC#3:

Duration: 14 days (no change) I think we can find a nice pace with 14 day funding cycles. Let's stick with this.

Ballot: 7 day buffer (no change) A reconfiguration proposal must be submitted 7 days before the end of the current funding cycle. I think we can get the hang of having the opportunity to vote on proposals every other week, with decisions made one week prior to them taking effect.  This time frame is only possible thanks to CanuDAO, who's staff is managing our communications and operations. They've done a marvelous job getting things organized and keeping everyone on the same page.

Discount rate: 10% (-6%) The discount rate should be further reduced by 6%. This is arbitrary, but it continues to give those who commit funds during FC#3 a good discounted rate to adjust for the risk of being early while continuing the process of tapering the rate off.

The goal is to reduce the rate over time as risk subsides (code risk, infrastructure risk, usability risk, organization risk, governance risk).

It pays to be early and to take the risk sooner rather than later.

Bonding curve: 60% (+-0%) No need to change this. Still arbitrary, but there's no demand to redeem right now, so might as well keep it this tight as we adjust the discount rate.

**Payouts: **$71k total (including $40k bug bounty that could be returned if unused)

I propose we raise the target to properly hire the people and projects who are already showing up and making things flow and grow, and experiment with payouts to a few up-and-coming contributors.

This also allows core contributors to embed themselves in the communities of emerging projects built with Juicebox and have cash-on-hand to support those they believe in. Actively supporting these communities is everything.

Core contributors

  • **jango **| dev: $10k Lead.
  • **peripheralist **| dev : $10k Peripheralist has not only built the Juicebox website and been improving it since launch, he also successfully launched TileDAO around a gorgeous art project he wrote. He's got first hand experience leading a community and business around a Juicebox treasury. There's no better dev to have on board.
  • **CanuDAO **|comms:$2.5k Since CanuDAO's staff, zeugh and mvh3030, joined our community and gotten to work, everything seems to be running smoother. They keep our Discord organized, help with community onboarding, make sure everyone is heard and treated with respect, and makes sure the rest of the contributors can continue working towards what's ahead.

This payout is an investment in CanuDAO, we'll get their juicebox project's treasury tokens in return.

  • **WAGMI Studios **| art, animations, and educational content: $2.5k WAGMI Studios is working towards putting out art, animations, and visual assets that strengthen and add color and character to the concepts that we're working on. This will increasingly important going forward as we reach beyond a crypto-native audience.

This payout is an investment in WAGMI Studios, we'll get their juicebox project's treasury tokens in return.

Experimental contributors

  • **exekias **| dev : $3k Since Juicebox's launch, exekias has helped write infrastructure contracts for piping marketplace royalties back to Juicebox treasuries, helped with dev ops, and helped tease out complex ideas out with the rest of the team. More importantly, he launched WikiTokenDAO – he has first hand experience with dev onboarding onto Juicebox, getting a Juicebox treasury funded, and building a community around it. We want him on our team.
  • nicholas | dev: $1.5k We need someone who can help us create a generalized NFT marketplace template that pipes a project's sales into Juicebox treasuries. This has emerged as a need for several projects in the ecosystem. Nicholas has been working on a product called NFTstory for the past several months and is intimately familiar with the ERC-721 standard and how it can be improved and extended. He's expressed interest in working with me to take this project on, he just might be the perfect dev for it. Let's see how things go.
  • **natimuril **| project support: $500 Projects that are building on Juicebox tend to need someone to be available for questions, ideation, and support. Natimuril will start helping us out with need, and eventually take on the responsibility fully herself. If all goes well, her idea is to operationalize her process and grow a collective around this community service effort.
  • Buradorii | analytics: $500 We need someone who can help form and execute queries on the treasury data that Juicebox projects are putting out, turn these into visual dashboards, and help to tell stories from the data. Buradorii has begun experimenting with running Dune analytics queries over the past week, and seems to be getting the hang of it.


  • Bug Bounty | $40k A total of $20k to pay out to whitehat hackers who report vulnerabilities. Payouts will be according to bug severity. Moe info coming soon. This payout will be returned to the treasury if unused.
  • Figma, Infura, Gitbook, Mee6 & Fleek subscriptions | $500

Reserved rate: 35% (+ 10%) The reserve rate should increase by 10%. We should continue to allocate 25% to core contributors, and we should add an additional 10% for ETH/JBX liquidity provider incentives.

Reserved token distribution:

  • **jango: **35%
  • peripheralist: 35%
  • CanuDAO: 10%
  • WAGMI Studios: 10%
  • exekias: 7.5%
  • misc: 2.5% - for on-demand incentives paid out by the multisig wallet.

There are still no guarantees for future payouts to anyone mentioned here, including myself. We'll have to come together over time to reassess allocations based on how things go, including pay increases and reserved JBX to experimental contributors who prove to be invaluable to the community over time.

Juicebox: Funding Cycle #2 proposal

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

JuiceboxDAO's second funding cycle will have the following goals:

  • Continue working with projects that have expressed interest in launching using the Juicebox protocol as its treasury. There's at least one project slated to deploy over the next few weeks.
  • Get the community organized: Discord, voting, roles, etc. We will organize and execute a community vote to determine the configuration of FC#3.
  • Build UIs for projects to access back office stuff like creating direct payment addresses, transfer project ownership, and allow operators to access UI components currently only accessible to owners.
  • Get the hang of writing Dune analytics queries to start visualizing Juicebox protocol data. The goal is to provide this data to projects using Juicebox.
  • Continue outreach efforts to broader Ethereum communities on Twitter and Discord.

I propose the following reconfiguration:

Duration: 14 days Let's experiment with a shorter cycle to see what happens. It gives us scope for one solid sprint with the goal of involving more of the community in the next reconfiguration decision.

As the project matures, I expect more planned out, longer cycles instead of these shorter ones.

Ballot: 3 day buffer A reconfiguration proposal must be submitted 3 days before the end of the funding cycle.

Discount rate: 16% (-4%) The discount rate should be reduced by 4%. This continues to give those who commit funds during FC#2 a good discounted rate to adjust for the risk of being early, but begins the process of tapering the rate off.

The goal is to reduce the rate over time to make a contribution during FC#1 valued around 2X the same contribution made 6 months later.

It pays to be early and to take the risk sooner rather than later.

Bonding curve: 60% (no change) There's relatively little overflow, and the JBX distribution is still narrow. No need to change this.

**Payouts: **$10,750 total

  • jango: $4k Project lead.
  • peripheralist: $2.5k Front end lead.
  • zeugh: $1K Organize and lead community.
  • WAGMI Studios: $1.25k Educational content and art.
  • Figma, Infura, Gitbook, & Fleek subscriptions cost around $500 monthly.
  • **exekias: **$750 Dev contributor.
  • **galbi: **$500 Dev contributor.
  • **nervetrip: **$250 Dev contributor.

Reserved rate: 25% (+15%) The reserve rate should be increased 15%. This gives me and my fellow founding contributors room to add a slight incentive bump for ourselves (we've been busier than we imagined right out of the gate), and to allocate new distributions. It also puts slightly more tokens in the hands of core contributors to help guide the project in the early stages, while still giving the bulk of tokens to external supporters to diversify our token holders.

Reserved token distribution:

  • **jango: **35%
  • peripheralist: 35%
  • WAGMI Studios: 10%
  • zeugh: 10%
  • exekias: 7.5%
  • misc: 2.5% - used for on-demand incentives by the multisig.

Juicebox 观察 8/3/2021

· 6 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Juicebox 已在 19 天前部署。

通过成为JuiceboxDAO、TileDAO的一员,并帮助其他项目的一些创始人为他们自己的部署设计 Juicebox 的配置,我对以下的情况有了更清晰的认知:

  • Juicebox 很灵活。 协议能够支持多种项目的运营模式。这是个好事,但对于想探索不同做法的项目方来说可能有点过于复杂了。对于项目创始人和社区来说,有一个 Juicebox 的 “专家”将大有裨益,不仅可以帮助他们将自己的需求转化为 Juicebox 的配置,同时可以展示特定选择下项目会如何表现的范例。

  • Juicebox 项目可以非常“有活力” 与其提前去确定一个代币分配计划,使用 Juicebox 的社区可以自由地逐步试验并改进他们的策略(当然他们愿意的话也可以一开始就永久锁定策略)。然而,伴随这种权力而来的是巨大的责任。社区需要大量的数据和社区分析来做出自信的决策。

  • 筹款周期的时长很重要。 较短的周期让社区有更多机会共同做试验性的决策,更频繁地召集群体行动,以及有更多时机去辩论及重新评估他们的承诺。在相同的时间内,这样会创造更高的群体体验感 —同样一个月的时间,项目使用 7 天的筹款周期会比使用 30 天的筹款周期成长得更多。

    • 短周期的代价是会带来对架构、组织及形式更为即时的需求。投票表决一项议案之前几乎没有时间进行审视和思考。而对各项治理和决策的持续关注也会使人精疲力竭,并分散成员们对于中长期计划的注意力。


  • 折扣率是最易产生重大影响的可配置参数。 一旦设定了折扣率并开始分发代币,折扣率的影响无论多么微小都将持续很长一段时间。这是设计使然,但是项目很容易几个周期也不记得设定过折扣率这回事。

  • 调整保留率带来的代价与时间相关。 一个社区包含了核心贡献者、用户和松散贡献者 — 他们都在社区的发展中扮演着重要的角色。

    • 核心贡献者投入的时间和精力最多,早期捐款也最多。他们通常在捐款前就了解 Juicebox 协议发行的代币及其价值,因此会有意识地按照保留率来发展这个网络。
    • 用户往往主要参与的是宣传的产品或想法。他们之后才会发现这样做还能得到 Juicebox 协议分发的代币,这些代币能让他们获益于社区的逐渐发展。
    • 社区的松散贡献者则来自用户,这部分用户意识到,通过更多的关注和更多的工作参与,他们可以为自己收到代币的增值出一份力。



  • Juicebox 非常适合开发产品的社区。 注入协议外直接销售收入是最好的增厚金库的途径。Tiles 就是一个很好的例子:tiles.art 的销售收入直接进入 TileDAO 的金库,购买者无需事前关注资金池。持有 Tile 的价值很大程度确实来自 DAO 的社区层面和资金的共同治理,但拥有一个大家都想要的优秀且有趣的产品才是让金库值得治理的先决条件。

JuiceboxDAO 路线图 8/3/2021

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor


  • 随时帮助创始人和各个社区满怀信心地开始使用 Juicebox 协议,这需要我们制作更多的教育资料和改进现有的技术文档。

  • 构建社区分析数据面板,让社区可以看到筹款周期的重新配置是如何慢慢对金库产生影响的,这样他们就可以在未来做出更好的决策。这样做还有一个好处,社区在做出某个决策之前,可以先参考其他 Juicebox 项目在类似决策上的经验。

  • 构建 L2 层支付终端,记项目可以在各个以太坊 L2 网络上接收资金(如 Optimism, Arbitrum, ZKSync 等)。我已经设计好这个机制的大致框架,但仍需要对它进行实现。

  • 随着越来越多的项目选择使用 Juicebox 协议来管理它们的金库,协议的 TerminalV1 合约会需要负责保管越来越多的 ETH。JuiceboxDAO 可以编写和发布一个 TerminalV2 合约让项目们迁移过去,合约支持把闲置的溢出 ETH 发送到投资收益平台。这个举措会引入新的风险因素,我们可以等协议发展成熟、预期回报有利的时候再去推动。

  • 组织 JuiceboxDAO 的 DiscordSnapshot 上 DAO 的投票机制,并继续为新贡献者提供架构和财务上的支持。

  • 设置执行更为无需信任的筹款周期投票机制,来逐步去中心化 JuiceboxDAO 的治理权限。可以考虑使用 Aragon Govern 来实现这一点。


如果你想帮忙,请加入 JuiceboxDAO 的 Discord 并表明意向。我们考虑给能够领导或者参与这些工作的人支付一定的报酬。

Juicebox 治理

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Juicebox 协议是由一个多签钱包控制的治理合约启动的。多签成员由 4 个普通地址构成,必须4 个地址中的 2 个批准才能向以太坊区块链发起交易。我是其中一个多签成员,其余三位是 @peripheralist, @nervetrip 和 @NMieos。

这个多签钱包有权提议 JuiceboxDAO 的 Juicebox 项目的重新配置方案。


这个多签钱包做的决策只能影响 JuiceboxDAO 的项目金库,不会影响到建立在 Juicebox 协议上创建的其他项目。


我现在主要的工作就是帮助项目找到它的节奏。这个工作包括帮助一些意向使用 Juicebox 协议的其他项目核心成员,或者作为社区成员去支持那些已整合 Juicebox 协议的项目,再或者确定一些待开发但会惠及使用 Juicebox 协议每个社区的服务,并提议各种方案让 JuiceboxDAO 运用我们的资源去解决这些需求。

第一个周期配置: 选票

· 2 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

JuiceboxDAO 的第一个筹款周期的配置里面包含了一个选票,这个选票把重新配置的通过标准绑定到一个合约上。这个合约则明确了必须在生效前 7 天以上提交重新配置。

按照这个合约的要求,如果重新配置提交时间距离当前(第一个)筹款周期结束小于 7 天,就要等到第 3 个筹款周期才能生效。


我们部署了一个简单的 7 天缓冲选票,既是为了简单化,同时也是为了给社区提供一些防止跑路的保障。我们的目标是逐步设计出一些更好更安全的选票来让所有的 Juicebox 项目来使用。


· 2 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

JuiceboxDAO 的第一个周期配置包含一个 60% 的联合曲线比率。

Juicebox 协议里联合曲线的实现可以在这里查阅代码,以及去这里模拟测试。在这个交互模型里,o 是当前的溢出金额、s 是当前代币总供应量、r是联合曲线比率。x 轴显示的是赎回代币数量, 而 y 轴则是赎回 x 轴数量的代币可以获取的溢出金额。

60% 的联合曲线比率意味着每赎回(销毁)一个 JBX 可以获得它对应的 JuiceboxDAO 溢出份额的 0.6 倍多一点。例如,如果你持有 JBX 总供应量的 1%,而溢出总共为 100 个 ETH,那么赎回你持有的全部 JBX 可以得到大概 0.6 个 ETH。


我们设定的这个 60% 比率多少有些随意 — 我们本来就没有预期会有溢出产生。等有机会研究它在实践中的效果以后,我们应该能对未来筹款周期的配置做出更好的假设。

第一个周期配置: 折扣率

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

第一个JuiceboxDAO 筹款周期的配置包含一个 20% 的折扣率。

这意味着当前筹款周期向 JuiceboxDAO 捐款会比下一周期捐赠同样金额铸造多 20% 的项目代币。

Juicebox 协议支持支持的保留率为 0%-20%。这个比率会随时间复合计算,也就是说,连续两个筹款周期保持 10% 的比率不变的话,在这个时间区间两端捐款获得代币数的相对折价为 81% (100 的 10% 为 10,90 的 10% 为9,100 - 10 - 9 = 81)。


我们把折扣率上限设定在 20% 的理由是,在项目早期进行捐款的内在风险要比以后大得多 — 协议未经磨砺,财务投机没有趋势可供借鉴,还存在一大堆悬而未决的问题。这个筹款周期的捐款无论多少都是有风险的。我们希望能尽可能地给予这些捐款回报。

我们计划提议下个筹款周期把这个比率降低到 10%,再下周期降到 5%,并最终稳定在 0.5-3% 这个区间,从而保持一个尽早向项目捐款的轻微压力。我们以后会重新评估这个计划 ,但把它作为一个风险对冲这个逻辑是恒定的。

注意:每个把 Juicebox 协议用作金库的项目在支出款项时都要向 JuiceboxDAO 缴纳一个 5% 的标准费用。这个费用采取普通付款的形式,因此每个项目缴纳费用都会相应地获得 JBX 代币。从这个角度来看,折扣率也鼓励项目尽早来使用 Juicebox 进行构建。

Juicebox 协议的目标人群是资本鲸🐋?投资猿🦧?建设朋克👾?创作家🎨?开发侠⌨️?还是每一个以太星人🇪🇹?

· 14 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

今天早些时候,@jessewldnJuicebox 的 Discord 频道里提了个问题:

我很好奇,你有没有想过一个问题,Juicebox 里的这些项目会不会,或者说怎么样与风投融资产生交集,这些融资有大量的“永久性”跑道(注1)一次性冻结起来无法回收。你觉得这就仅仅是资产溢出,还是可以在设置上微调一下,从而满足项目同时从流动社区和长期投资方融资的需求?

TLDR 的回答: 你只管把钱投到协议的某个项目里,这个系统对所有人都是一视同仁的。


  • 我接下来要讲的内容都是理论上的。我很想在实践中尝试这些想法,不断地调整各种参数设置,直到我们能够在不同的人群之间找到一个平衡点,不管他们是资本鲸、投资猿、建设朋克、创作家、开发侠,还是其他每一个以太星人。

还要提醒一句,Juicebox 是一个试验性的软件。我已经竭尽所能地去暴力测试这个协议,包括使用常规案例、边缘案例以及各种随机条件去考验它。但正式地来说,它目前仍然未经审计。在这些合约里的投资行为,需自行承担风险。


Juicebox 协议不但支持有大梦想的小项目,同时也满足大项目希望用户或社区参与日常发展和分享成果的需求。同时,也让资助项目的人以及不同风险偏好的投资者都能对项目的支出和财务状况做到心里有数。




项目可以设置联合曲线比率,它会影响每个代币能够得到多少份额的溢出。联合曲线率在 100% 的时候,x% 的代币就可以赎回 x% 的溢出;但 50% 的联合曲线率的情况下,x% 代币就只能赎回约(0.5 * x)% 的溢出,剩下的资产溢出由其余持币人分享。


请浏览juicebox.money, 图文技术文档和其他博客内容,来深入认识这些控制参数 🎛。


回到最初的那个问题:大资金应怎样参与 Juicebox 的项目?


让我们来推演一个案例,看看如果有人一下子把大量资金注入 JuiceboxDAO, 会发生什么情况。

上图是撰写本文时从 Jango 的视角看到 JuiceboxDAO。 假设现在有人投了100万美金进来,那么我屏幕上的显示会大致会变成下图这样。 有人投了100万美金(约434个ETH)进来之后,从 Jango 的视角看到的JuiceboxDAO。 变动如下:

  1. 溢出更多了。
  2. 铸造了更多的代币,增发代币的 10% 待分配给保留代币受益人。
  3. 增发的代币加大了总供应量,我的持币比例因此从 42%下 降到 5.9%。图上未揭露的情况:这个付款人现在持有的 JBX 代币占总供应量的71%。
  4. 这笔付款会显示在活动记录里。


  • 项目金库现在有更多资金可供支配,这意味着我们的跑道【注1】(可持续时间)变长了,也意味着更大更多元化的支出或者投资的机会(更大影响力)。
  • 目前的联合曲线比率是60%,这个付款人如果马上赎回他手上这 71% 的代币的话,会拿回大概 644,000 美金(280ETH)。如果有其他付款陆续按不同的折扣率流入项目,又或者有其他持币人决定先行赎回代币,那么他能赎回的金额会更多一些。但是,如果项目后面筹款周期的烧钱速度比溢出增长要快的话,他的赎回金额则会变少。这有个工具可以用来模拟 Juicebox 的联合曲线。o代表当前的溢出金额,s代表当前代币总供应量,还有r代表联合曲线比率。x轴表示赎回的代币数量,y轴表示的是赎回x轴数量的代币可以得到的溢出金额。
  • 这个付款人手上持有占压倒性优势的代币(71%)。如果 JuiceboxDAO 沿用的投票机制是简单多数且仅以 JBX 代币作为投票方式的话,那么该付款人的意见将左右 DAO 的所有决定。倒是可以设计投票机制来避免出现这样的情况,但涉及到分配这 100 万美金的任何设置参数的修改都应得到捐这笔款的人同意,也算是说得过去。


如果你是巨鲸,我想你希望押注整个 Juicebox 生态多于单个项目。多几个有前景的想法落地成为 Juicebox 配置设计体系下的集资项目来发展他们的社区,整个生态的价值就会得到提高。

一个项目在 Juicebox 协议中能做的配置是多种多样的。折扣率 0%、联合曲线率 10%、代币保留率10% 以及筹资目标50ETH的一个项目,跟折扣率20%、联合曲线率100%、代币保留率 50% 及 10ETH 筹款目标的项目,他们的玩法会截然不同。这种多元函数的梯度带来了许多有趣设置组合的可能性,项目事前没有办法知道哪一个多元组合会输出一个最佳值。目前还很少先例或者数据可供参考,所以每个项目/社区都将必须去试验最适合其需要的配置组合。


  • 留意项目设置的代币保留率。
  • 搞清楚这个项目的折扣率是多少以及项目启动以来这个数值是怎么演变的。这样你会对你的持仓在总供应量中的占比变怎样变化心里更有数。
  • 弄明白项目的联合曲线比率,就会知道你的持仓流动性高低。
  • 还要了解项目是如何配置它的筹款周期选票合约的,因为这个合约决定了谁有权实施对筹期周期配置的变更(项目方跑路不是不可能的)。




每个以太星人🇪🇹在通过 web3 协议进行交易时基本上都会得到回报,并(无意地)在那个特定时间节点对该协议下项目社区的金库发展做出了贡献。


如果有人现在给 JuiceboxDAO 的金库捐了一大笔钱,然后我们可以提高月度预算来支撑更多支出的话,我能想出很多很多事情值得我们去投入资金。首先一个,我们可以请个人来帮忙撰写技术文档,这些文档得支持搜索、通俗易懂还得引人入胜。我们还是要请人来帮助我们写文档。我觉得我们甚至应该考虑重金请人来负责文档的编写。

【注1】:“跑道”指的是你的项目在耗尽资金之前可以运行几个月,企业家或 VC 通常会尝试估计项目的“跑道”来作为初始投资参考。跑道的长度对于飞机是否能够安全起飞和降落是至关重要的。如果跑道太短,飞机起飞或降落都不安全。如果跑道太长,你则浪费了资金或者资源。在创业的世界里,你会经常听到企业家或 VC 们谈论创业或融资跑道。

第一个周期配置:保留 JBX

· 3 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

JuiceboxDAO 的第一个周期配置包含了一个10% 的预设 JBX 保留比率,分配给预定的接收方。

项目每收到一笔捐款,就会铸造一批新的 JBX。这些 JBX 会发送到捐款人指定的接收地址(通常是他们自己),保留代币除外。10% 的保留比率意味着新铸造代币的 10% 会分配给预设的接收方。

因此,这些设置的接收人按项目的发展速度,而不是按某个带最短生效期或锁定机制的计划,来获得他们的 JBX 授予。


图片截取自 https://juicebox.money/#/p/juicebox


  • Jango 获得 40% 的保留代币,他的工作包括构建机制、编写合约、全面生态测试、主导项目启动后的设计及开发工作,及领导项目关系。
  • Peripheralist 获得 40%,他的工作是构建前端代码库、搭建 juicebox.money 网站以及主导项目启动后的前端开发工作。
  • AtomicMieos 获得 10%,他的工作是进行内容的试验,以及项目启动前后帮助形成各种构想。
  • Sage 因她在项目启动前后的设计及插图工作获得 10%。

这些数字都是有点随意的。我们决定从小按平均原则做起 — 当时还不清楚,启动前开发工作与启动后的发展及改进工作相比风险度如何,以及 Juicebox 的各个激励机制在实行运营时表现如何。随着第一个筹款周期的开展,我们会建议对这些数字重新评价以便更好地反映各个风险指标和激励措施。