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ComicsDAO - The Whole Enchilada

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

You ever wonder what people do with those collectible rare comic books that they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for? Not a whole lot, apparently.

“Because of the way the grading works, unsealing the comic almost by definition damages it. So you have these people who spend hundreds, thousands, or even millions on comics that they never look at. It’s like buying a Picasso and leaving it in a dark locked closet forever,” Adam (discord: Defaulteduser#2001), founder of ComicsDAO, explained recently on a call.

If that sounds underwhelming, well, that’s because it is. The real tragedy is that there are scores of comic fans around the world who would love to get a glimpse of these rare pieces of history. But now, thanks to Adam and a very cool piece of technology, that’s all going to change.

“Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the technology.”

Central to the cause of ComicsDAO is a wild piece of technology that allows the unthinkable: scanning a closed comic book and getting a high-quality, readable image. It does it by “reading the air pockets at a very specific depth, and then measuring the metal content in the ink,” Adam explained. Whereas newer ink is non-metallic, the ink of olden days used metals, the content of which varied by color. By using both air pockets to calibrate depth, and what’s known about metal content in old ink, a totally closed and sealed comic book can be read page-by-page with striking clarity.

Don’t believe it? Check out this image Adam provided of an original, 1952 Donald Duck comic. The image you see below was extracted from a comic book that was closed and sealed. The scanning machine literally looked through the cover to reconstruct this image.


“We use something called T-Rays (think X-Rays, just a bit different) to read each page without opening up the book at all.” - Adam from ComicsDAO

Exciting, sure, but so what?

To the chorus of voices who say fine, this is neat but impractical because let’s face it, reprints of all these comics exist and are readily available, Adam has this to say: the newer reprints of original comics are far from exact replicas. These newer versions are in fact redrawn comics, and thus quite different from their original, oftentimes-sealed counterparts.

Adam puts it like this: “It would be like if you had a poster an artist made on your wall of the Mona Lisa. It may look a lot like the Mona Lisa, but the artist who drew it wasn’t da Vinci, it was someone else. Does that mean you’d never want to see the real thing in the Louvre?”

For an example, the image below shows both an original (left) and redraw (right) of the same page of a comic. The first has some fading from the passage of time, but beyond that a quick glance will show you that the style and feel are quite different. That’s the difference between the real thing and a reprint, Adam argues.


The original (left) and the redrawn, re-issued reprint on the right.

ComicsDAO springs onto the scene

Less than six months after springing up, ComicsDAO has over 300 followers on twitter and a growing community on discord. With Adam at the helm of twitter and talented artist gabobena doing art, the team still has allstar Gogo keeping it all together and working on infrastructure and strategy. A steady flow of good shitposts and memes coupled with in inclusive community designed to attract and marry comic book nerds and web3 enthusiasts seems to be finding much success.



Shitposting memes isn’t the only thing ComicsDAO slays at.

With the advent of the scanning technology, ComicsDAO also hopes to be able to offer glimpses of rare comics to its members. The goal is to source, fund raise and purchase old comics that would otherwise be cost-prohibitive for any single investor. From there, ComicsDAO will scan the comic and have it on loan as an NFT for members who wish to check it out to read it. This allows the whole community to share in the comic and to appreciate the unique artwork that would be otherwise completely unavailable, and it allows ComicsDAO to amass a collection of comics and build out a full library of collectibles.

And we haven’t even mentioned the partnerships.

Beyond all that, ComicsDAO has also been creating partnerships with other DAOs in unique and fun ways. Two such examples (pictured below) are their cover-series, where they create comic-style covers for noteworthy DAOs. In the case of ComicsDAO, this has led to a partnership with NounsDAO that is poised to culminate in the creation of a paperback comic book to be distributed nationwide.



ComicsDAO cover collaboration with StudioDAO and NounsDAO. “This will be an awesome way to take something web3, like ComicsDAO, and put it back into the real world. Imagine being able to buy a NounsDAO comic book at your local bookstore!” -Adam from ComicsDAO

The state of ComicsDAO today

A quick jump into the ComicsDAO discord will show you a bustling community spreading out in many different directions. Between partnerships, scanning collectible comics, unapologetic shitposting and building a community of active comic readers, the days are long and fruitful at ComicsDAO. Stop by and say hello in their discord if you want to learn more about what they’re up to and where they’re going. They’d love to see you.

Want to get in on the action? Join ComicsDAO on discord or follow them on twitter.

SharkDAO, A Sub-DAO Raising Funds to Participate in the Nouns Ecosystem

· 9 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

One Noun, every day, forever.

A series of Nouns generated in the Playground

A series of Nouns generated in the Playground at nouns.wtf/playground

WTF are Nouns?

Nouns is an on-chain generative NFT project and experiment in community building through avatars. Nouns are 32x32 pixel characters with heads that represent a noun like “igloo,” “skateboard,” or “peanut.” One Noun is auctioned every twenty-four hours, forever, with all proceeds going to the Nouns treasury. When one auction is settled, the next Noun is generated and a new auction begins. Each Noun is entitled to one vote in Nouns DAO governance which decides how the treasury should be used.

Auction bids for Nouns can easily reach over 100 ETH. As a result, owning a Noun is often limited to those that can afford to win these competitive auctions… unless you’re a member of SharkDAO ⌐◨-◨

SharkDAO, a shiver of Nouns enthusiasts 🦈

Did you know that a group of sharks is called a shiver? SharkDAO brings together Nouns enthusiasts with the shared goal of acquiring Nouns and contributing to the Nouns ecosystem. Together they pool funds, participate in Nouns DAO governance, and partner with artists, developers, and DAOs to create Nounish experiences. This has taken the form of podcasts, NFT collaborations, and Nouns DAO proposals like e-sports initiatives and CC0 Story Bibles.

They currently hold six Nouns: 2, 5, 15, 33, 47, and 139 which have been named by the Shark community as follows:

🍍 Noun 2: Piña, named after its pineapple head

🪚 Noun 5: Bruce, a reference to actor Bruce Campbell who wields a chainsaw in the movie The Evil Dead

💊 Noun 15: Morpheus, based on Laurence Fishburne’s character from The Matrix

🐸 Noun 33: Froger, named after its frog head

🦈 Noun 47: Swimshady, the cool alter ego of the Shark Noun

🔒 Noun 139: Paddy, named after its padlock-shaped head

Left to right: Nouns 15, 2, 33, 47, 5 and 139

Left to right: Nouns 15, 2, 33, 47, 5 and 139

Building the plane while you fly it

As an experiment in on-chain avatar communities, Nouns DAO’s mission is to spread the Nounish word with the help of Nouns holders who make up the voting body of the DAO.

While projects such as CryptoPunks have attempted to bootstrap digital community and identity, Nouns attempt to bootstrap identity, community, governance, and a treasury that can be used by the community for the creation of long-term value.

Punk 4156

Holding only 6/300+ votes might not seem like much, but lurking beneath the waters SharkDAO is active in discussions, pushing ideas through the ecosystem, and able to get a lot more done than what their voting power implies. Since Nouns has no roadmap from the Nounders (founders), Nouns is community-owned which gives power to holders to propose initiatives and decide how to use treasury funds. In other words, the task of building community and shaping the future of Nouns belongs to community members who hold Nouns, rather than the founders. SharkDAO, as one of only a handful of sub-DAOs within Nouns DAO, is one of the groups building this roadmap on-the-fly.

“In short, sub-DAOs participation in a DAO is shaping and contributing a voice to that community so that the best ideas get surfaced, voted on, and make an impact in the world.”


SharkDAO and NounsDAO infographic from sharsk.wtf

SharkDAO and NounsDAO visualization from sharks.wtf

SharkDAO, the meme that jumped from Rinkeby to mainnet

It all started with a small group of frens helping Nouns DAO test out their auction mechanism before it went live. Goldy, 4156, Dropnerd, Lithium, Kenbot, Del Piero and Defi Jesus were a few of these early swimmers. The Shark Noun was one of the first Nouns that was acquired on testnet by the group and they decided to build around that Shark identity. They launched a Discord, started bringing in contributors, and began planning how they were going to crowdfund to buy Nouns.

A tweet by 4156 after the Rinkeby shark was acquired

4156 announcing that the Rinkeby shark was acquired (tweet)

SharkDAO is a meme that jumped from Rinkeby to mainnet.”

Kenbot in a Twitter Space hosted by nnnnicholas

When it came to figuring out how to fundraise in order to bid on the first Noun, Kenny dives into the Discord and suggests a cool project he heard of called Juicebox. Building a treasury on Juicebox would allow the group to trustlessly raise funds and manage their treasury, without the risks of YOLO’ing ETH into a multi-sig.

SharkDAO project page on Juicebox

SharkDAO project page on Juicebox

From there, SharkDAO set up a Juicebox project on Rinkeby. Dropnerd was doing the testing and was still new to signing transactions. “I was very excited to see everything come together so easily without needing to interact with a bunch of smart contracts directly,” he explained. “The UI showed me exactly what was going on which made it a lot easier for the DAO. Looking back I can’t think of another platform where we could have raised 200+ ETH in the first few days without the help of Juicebox.

SharkDAO catching the Shark Noun 🎣

Noun #47: The Shark Noun.

Noun 47, the Shark Noun

Although new Nouns may seem random and impossible to predict, their traits are actually determined by the previous blockhash. And if you’re particularly clever, you can use the crystal ball to predict and even choose the next Noun that will be generated 🔮

Before the Shark Noun was generated, founding member Goldy was eyeing the Noun Crystal Ball every day for weeks. This magical tool shows you what the next Noun will look like if the auction is settled on the current block by calling the settleCurentAndCreateNewAuction() function in the NounsAuctionHouse contract.

Usually the winning bidder will settle the auction, but anyone can call settleCurentAndCreateNewAuction() at a particular block and help decide what the next Noun will look like. In a glimpse of a moment, Goldy saw the Shark Noun in the Crystal Ball and submitted the transaction before the next block to secure it.

The Noun Crystal Ball 🔮

The Noun Crystal Ball 🔮

SharkDAO had to act fast if they wanted the Shark Noun. The DAO established an auction committee, re-opened their Juicebox project, and expanded their multi-sig to include 5 members. Within the first few days of re-opening for contributions, they received over Ξ150 from community members.

Where there’s a will, there’s a wave 🌊

The team suspected that someone was watching within the DAO and took their calls offline to discuss the details of their strategy in real time, including their final bid number. It wasn’t an easy auction to win though: the Shark Noun was desired by many and led to a jawesome bidding war. Over the next 24 hours the bidding quickly went past Ξ100 and then Ξ200 soon after. It became clear that the price of Noun 47 was going to swim past most Nouns auctions, apart from the very first Noun that sold for Ξ600. After their penultimate bid of Ξ244.82, SharkDAO was getting pretty close to exhausting the amount that they set aside for the auction. Though winning Noun #47 was non-negotiable, they also needed to conserve enough treasury funds to ensure that the DAO could continue to build into the future.

Timeline of some of the final bids on the auction for Noun 47.

Timeline of some of the final bids on the auction for Noun 47.

If a bid is placed in the last five minutes of an auction, the timer is extended by another five minutes. Due to the cumbersome nature of bidding via a Gnosis Safe, the DAO came pretty close to losing the shark. There was even one bid where the last signer was executing the transaction with only 45 seconds left on the clock.

After a last minute bid of Ξ258.88 by 0xa8...0e7d, the team had minutes to coordinate and agree on the next bid price before multisig signers could approve the transaction. And on September 21, 2021 at 2:19am, SharkDAO won the final bid for 269.69 ETH.

Noun #47: The Shark Noun

Noun 47, the Shark Noun

SharkDAO celebrates their shark-versary

Since their launch on August 8th, 2021, SharkDAO has raised over 1000 ETH on Juicebox, acquired six Nouns, and brought together over 400 sharks. As a sub-DAO, they’ve pushed several proposals over the fin-ish line in the Nouniverse including Nouns-based short films and FOMO Nouns. SharkDAO has also helped provide eye exams and glasses to thousands of kids in need, donated 5 ETH to the Coral Restoration Foundation, and started a new Juicebox project to raise 60+ ETH for founding member Del Piero’s son’s leukemia treatment.

The Shark Noun has become an icon and remains one of the most recognizable Nouns. In a particularly surreal turn of events, Noun #47 aka Swim Shady was featured in Yuga Labs’ Otherside promo video alongside Cryptopunks, Cool Cats, CrypToadz, World of Women, and Meebits. Not only were Nouns included as one of a handful of projects to represent NFTs a whole, but the Shark Noun was chosen as its iconic ambassador.

What’s next for SharkDAO? Stay tuned for future NounsDAO proposals like the Monthly Nouns Comics project currently being developed by DefaultedUser and ComicsDAO in collaboration with SharkDAO. The Shark Island pfp project is also currently in the works as well as the DAO’s growing collection of Shark-themed art.

Shark Noun featured in Yuga Labs’ Otherside promo video

Shark Noun featured in Yuga Labs’ Otherside promo video

The value of SHARK is derived not only from its ETH stored in the Juicebox contracts, but also from the NFTs the DAO has deployed treasury funds to acquire, from the JBX that the DAO has begun accumulating by paying platform fees, and perhaps most importantly from the productive community forming within the project that gives it boundless potential moving forward.

Jango, from Juicebox V2: Protocol adjustments useful for adding treasury tokens to AMMs

Listen to Dropnerd tell the story of SharkDAO on episode 5 of The Juicecast

Follow Juicebox on Twitter: @JuiceboxETH

Follow SharkDAO on Twitter: @sharkdao

Join SharkDAO’s Discord: discord.gg/QNbuygdK3A

Set up a Juicebox project on Juicebox.money

Lexicon Devils, A Metaverse Architecture Guild Running on Juicebox

· 7 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

How Lexicon Devils is building the metaverse, getting paid to do it, and managing their treasury on Juicebox.


To learn more about how the Lexicon Devils project is configured on Juicebox, read this companion article.

Metaverse architecture and video games

I spent the majority of my childhood exploring the internet and playing classic computer games like Age of the Empires, The Secret of Monkey Island, and especially The Sims. For hours and hours I would build, design, and arrange anything I could think up. Unbound by the limits of gravity, money, or even common sense, The Sims was an excuse to imagine what was possible rather than what was realistic. At the time this maybe seemed like a silly diversion, but like many of our early internet activities this turned out to be great practice for the future that was hurdling towards us. Spending hours customizing a Myspace page was, in retrospect, a great introduction to frontend development. And perhaps The Sims was the perfect introduction to metaverse architecture.

Old Town, The Sims

Old Town in The Sims (2000)

Lexicon Devils origin story

Lexicon Devils, named after an EP by LA punk rock band Germs, is a guild of metaverse builders architecting virtual experiences in Voxels, Substrata, and beyond. They acquire parcels, design and execute complex builds, and organize interactive events including DJ sets, treasure hunts, parades, art exhibitions, and performances.

Around the time that Shark DAO was making waves, Peacenode got a call from Stav and started chatting with Nicholas and Dropnerd about this “beautiful infrastructure layer of the internet that we’re all building on Ethereum.” One thing led to another and Peacenode was soon talking with Mieos from WAGMI Studios about a cross-DAO collaboration to create a Juicebox metaverse experience and the rest is history.

I’ll never forget meeting Wacko, he was rocking the most insane wearables every 30 seconds. We just had to ask if he could join us and put him on the payroll.


Rather than sending funds p2p, Peacenode explained that the Lexicon Devils project on Juicebox would issue payouts to a team of contributors on a set schedule. In other words: “I know you don’t know us, but let’s hang out.” Building in the open with a trustless, transparent treasury means easily building friendships and communities regardless of identity or credentials. Find your community, bring the good vibes.

And who knows, you might even end up making an ultra tropical banana-themed learning center complete with an animated gondolier.

The first iteration of the Juicebar and Juicebox Learning Center

The first iteration of the Juicebar and Juicebox Learning Center

A home for Banny: iterations of the Juicebox parcel in Voxels

v1 of the Juicebar was built as a home for Banny, the iconic blunt-smoking banana mascot of Juicebox. It was also home to the Juicebox Learning Center, a juicy and playful institution where visitors could watch videos about the protocol, learn terms in the glossary, and participate in ongoing JB events. This tropical parcel quickly became an oasis for long-time Banny devotees and newcomers alike to learn more about the crypto crowdfunding protocol that enables anyone to fund the “thing” of their dreams on Ethereum.

As part of the growing bannyverse, WAGMI Studios and Lexicon Devils organized the first ever JB metaverse treasure hunt with clues that make up a seed phrase… but only with the help of a decoder. Prizes included 200,000 $JBX and a treasure chest filled with dope NFTs.

The Bannyverse Treasure Hunt

The Bannyverse Treasure Hunt

Since October 2021, the Juicebox plot in Voxels has gone through many iterations as a center for learning, discovery, and entertainment. It stands out from surrounding parcels with its attention to detail and references to IRL architecture and design. Through pixelated curves and large windows blending the inside and outside, the current Juicebox v2 build combines characteristics of mid-century modern design with a tropical Banny aesthetic. Bringing this all together in one big juicy cocktail, the v2 build is a utopian dream in line with the ethos that anyone can grow and fund their dream project.

v2 of the Juicebox parcel.

v2 of the Juicebox Learning Center, Transit Center, and Juicebar

Lexicon Devils' wild and imaginative custom builds

In addition to building for Juicebox, Lexicon Devils have designed and built a custom HQ for Dreams Never Die, a web3 music DAO, and a browser-based metaverse experience for NFT project Slothtopia. Wackozacco was also commissioned to design a number of custom builds on Architect Island which draw inspiration from Neo-Andean, Oriental, Tudor, and Structural Expressionism movements.

Dreams Never Die HQ

Dreams Never Die HQ at 31 Bran Ave

Custom builds by Wackozacco

Custom builds by Wackozacco on Architect Island

left to right: 3 Schism Street, 7 Marayaco Ave, 2 Schism Street, 29 Marble Road

I never would have imagined [becoming a metaverse architect]. I was designing video game skins when I was younger, not really thinking about it. As I was growing up, I felt like I needed to do something more meaningful and then I found out that you could paid for doing stuff like this. It was a re-discovery of a passion and realizing that it can produce value.


Whether referencing the physical world or playing with what defies reality, Voxels and other metaverses allow for architects to focus on design and function rather than costs, materials, or bureaucratic mazes like zoning laws. Anyone is able to learn to build in the metaverse, regardless of their education or previous knowledge of architecture. Coming from a wide range of backgrounds, the team at Lexicon Devils has spent the last year creating metaverse experiences and custom builds for other orgs, all while managing their treasury on Juicebox.

If you had asked me in January 2020, I couldn’t have anticipated where I am today with my friends. It’s pretty amazing. Actually, when I was a kid, there was a stint where I wanted to be an architect. I was a Lincoln Log kid, so maybe it makes sense.


Lincoln Logs, a popular children's toy

Lincoln Logs, a popular children’s toy invented in 1916 by John Lloyd Wright, son of well-known architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

FORMING and coming full circle with Juicebox

As the pinnacle of their monthly Juicebox event series Lexicon Devils is hosting FORMING, an experimental hyperverse concert with a curated lineup of performances by web3 musicians. Lexicon Devils has created and funded a new Juicebox project through which all participating artists will be paid in ETH. By paying musicians through the project, artists also get a chance to learn first-hand about the Juicebox protocol and how it works.

“That’s the synthesis of our experience of learning about Juicebox. It’s not just an event at JB, but an event that gets people to learn about JB through our events”. — Wackozacco

Listen to Peacenode and Wackozacco tell the story of Lexicon Devils on episode 8 of The Juicecast

Visit the Juicebox parcel in Voxels

Visit the Lexicon Devils HQ in Voxels

Follow Juicebox on Twitter: @JuiceboxETH

Follow Lexicon Devils on Twitter: @Devils_Lexicon

Set up a Juicebox project on Juicebox.money