Mainnet: 0x004d50E8552f7E811E7DF913A3205ABf48E47b52
Goerli: 0x0Da2f87c14EA33686E0fFAAF56EE1f1f82cA59A9
Allows projects to migrate their controller & terminal to 3.1 version
The project owner needs to give the migration permission to this contract for carrying out the migrations for both controller & terminal.
The current funding cycle needs to be a reconfigured one before migration, so metadata flags allowControllerMigration, allowTerminalMigration & global.allowSetTerminals need to be set true.
State Variables
directory instance which keeps a track of which controller is linked to which project.
IJBDirectory public immutable directory;
The NFT granting ownership to a Juicebox project
IJBProjects public immutable projects;