
Upgrade your Juicebox project to v3.1

This guide describes how project creators can upgrade their Juicebox project from version 3.0 to version 3.1.

Should I upgrade?

Upgrading to Juicebox v3.1 is optional. If you're unsure if you need to upgrade, you probably don't! To decide if you should upgrade, reach out to a JuiceboxDAO contributor in Discord to discuss your project.

How to upgrade

Take the following steps to upgrade your project to Juicebox v3.1.

Before you start:

  • You must be the project owner.
  • There are (at most) 4 on-chain transactions that you'll need to execute. Have your wallet ready.
  • Allow 15 minutes.

Update your cycle's rules

To upgrade to v3.1, your project's current cycle must have the following rules enabled:

  • Allow Payment Terminal configuration
  • Allow Payment Terminal migration
  • Allow Controller migration

If your cycle is locked, you'll need to wait until your next cycle to upgrade.

Required cycle rules

Upgrade to v3.1

Once your cycle rules are active, take the following steps to continue the upgrade:

  1. Connect to https://juicebox.money as the project owner.
  2. Navigate to your project (e.g. https://juicebox.money/v2/p/1).
  3. Select Settings > Project upgrades.
  4. Select Upgrade to Juicebox 3.1

Project upgrades screen

  1. Select Upgrade Controller.

    This transaction will do the following:

JBController upgrade

  1. Sign and submit the transaction, and wait for it to be confirmed.

  2. Select Upgrade Payment Terminal.

    This transaction will do the following:

    • Sets your project's JBETHPaymentTerminal contract to JBETHPaymentTerminal v3.1.

JBETHPaymentTerminal upgrade

  1. Sign and submit the transaction, and wait for it to be confirmed.

  2. Select Move ETH.

    This transaction will do the following:

    • Move your treasury funds from your old Payment Terminal to the new Payment Terminal

Move ETH screen

  1. Sign and submit the transaction, and wait for it to be confirmed.

Verify your upgrade

To verify your upgrade, navigate to your project's Contracts page juicebox.money/YOUR_PROJECT/contracts. Check that your JBController and Primary Terminal addresses match the JBController3_1 and JBETHPaymentTerminal3_1 addresses from the Contract Addresses list.
