Inherits: ERC721, ERC2771Context, Ownable, IREVLoans
A contract for borrowing from revnets.
Tokens used as collateral are burned, and reminted when the loan is paid off. This keeps the revnet's token structure orderly.
The borrowable amount is the same as the cash out amount.
An upfront fee is taken when a loan is created. 2.5% is charged by the underlying protocol, 2.5% is charged by the revnet issuing the loan, and a variable amount charged by the revnet that receives the fees. This variable amount is chosen by the borrower, the more paid upfront, the longer the prepaid duration. The loan can be repaid anytime within the prepaid duration without additional fees. After the prepaid duration, the loan will increasingly cost more to pay off. After 10 years, the loan collateral cannot be recouped.
The loaned amounts include the fees taken, meaning the amount paid back is the amount borrowed plus the fees.
State Variables
After the prepaid duration, the loan will cost more to pay off. After 10 years, the loan collateral cannot be recouped. This means paying 50% of the loan amount upfront will pay for having access to the remaining 50% for 10 years, whereas paying 0% of the loan upfront will cost 100% of the loan amount to be paid off after 10 years. After 10 years with repayment, both loans cost 100% and are liquidated.
uint256 public constant override LOAN_LIQUIDATION_DURATION = 3650 days;
The maximum amount of a loan that can be prepaid at the time of borrowing, in terms of JBConstants.MAX_FEE.
uint256 public constant override MAX_PREPAID_FEE_PERCENT = 500;
A fee of 1% is charged by the $REV revnet.
uint256 public constant override REV_PREPAID_FEE_PERCENT = 5;
A fee of 2.5% is charged by the loan's source upfront.
uint256 public constant override MIN_PREPAID_FEE_PERCENT = 25;
Just a kind reminder to our readers.
Used in loan token ID generation.
uint256 private constant _ONE_TRILLION = 1_000_000_000_000;
The permit2 utility.
IPermit2 public immutable override PERMIT2;
The controller of revnets that use this loans contract.
IJBController public immutable override CONTROLLER;
Mints ERC-721s that represent project ownership and transfers.
IREVDeployer public immutable override REVNETS;
The directory of terminals and controllers for revnets.
IJBDirectory public immutable override DIRECTORY;
A contract that stores prices for each revnet.
IJBPrices public immutable override PRICES;
Mints ERC-721s that represent revnet ownership and transfers.
IJBProjects public immutable override PROJECTS;
The ID of the REV revnet that will receive the fees.
uint256 public immutable override REV_ID;
An indication if a revnet currently has outstanding loans from the specified terminal in the specified token.
mapping(uint256 revnetId => mapping(IJBPayoutTerminal terminal => mapping(address token => bool))) public override
The amount of loans that have been created.
mapping(uint256 revnetId => uint256) public override numberOfLoansFor;
The contract resolving each project ID to its ERC721 URI.
IJBTokenUriResolver public override tokenUriResolver;
The total amount loaned out by a revnet from a specified terminal in a specified token.
mapping(uint256 revnetId => mapping(IJBPayoutTerminal terminal => mapping(address token => uint256))) public override
The total amount of collateral supporting a revnet's loans.
mapping(uint256 revnetId => uint256) public override totalCollateralOf;
The sources of each revnet's loan.
Note: member: revnetId The ID of the revnet issuing the loan.
mapping(uint256 revnetId => REVLoanSource[]) internal _loanSourcesOf;
The loans.
Note: member: The ID of the loan.
mapping(uint256 loanId => REVLoan) internal _loanOf;
IREVDeployer revnets,
uint256 revId,
address owner,
IPermit2 permit2,
address trustedForwarder
ERC721("REV Loans", "$REVLOAN")
Name | Type | Description |
revnets | IREVDeployer | A contract from which revnets using this loans contract are deployed. |
revId | uint256 | The ID of the REV revnet that will receive the fees. |
owner | address | The owner of the contract that can set the URI resolver. |
permit2 | IPermit2 | A permit2 utility. |
trustedForwarder | address | A trusted forwarder of transactions to this contract. |
The amount that can be borrowed from a revnet.
function borrowableAmountFrom(
uint256 revnetId,
uint256 collateralCount,
uint256 decimals,
uint256 currency
returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet to check for borrowable assets from. |
collateralCount | uint256 | The amount of collateral used to secure the loan. |
decimals | uint256 | The decimals the resulting fixed point value will include. |
currency | uint256 | The currency that the resulting amount should be in terms of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | borrowableAmount The amount that can be borrowed from the revnet. |
Get a loan.
Note: member: The ID of the loan.
function loanOf(uint256 loanId) external view override returns (REVLoan memory);
The sources of each revnet's loan.
Note: member: revnetId The ID of the revnet issuing the loan.
function loanSourcesOf(uint256 revnetId) external view override returns (REVLoanSource[] memory);
Determines the source fee amount for a loan being paid off a certain amount.
function determineSourceFeeAmount(REVLoan memory loan, uint256 amount) public view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
loan | REVLoan | The loan having its source fee amount determined. |
amount | uint256 | The amount being paid off. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | sourceFeeAmount The source fee amount for the loan. |
Returns the URI where the ERC-721 standard JSON of a loan is hosted.
function tokenURI(uint256 loanId) public view override returns (string memory);
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan to get a URI of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | string | The token URI to use for the provided loanId . |
The revnet ID for the loan with the provided loan ID.
function revnetIdOfLoanWith(uint256 loanId) public pure override returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | uint256 | The loan ID of the loan to get the revent ID of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The ID of the revnet. |
Checks this contract's balance of a specific token.
function _balanceOf(address token) internal view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token to get this contract's balance of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | This contract's balance. |
The amount that can be borrowed from a revnet given a certain amount of collateral.
function _borrowableAmountFrom(
uint256 revnetId,
uint256 collateralCount,
uint256 decimals,
uint256 currency,
IJBTerminal[] memory terminals
returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet to check for borrowable assets from. |
collateralCount | uint256 | The amount of collateral that the loan will be collateralized with. |
decimals | uint256 | The decimals the resulting fixed point value will include. |
currency | uint256 | The currency that the resulting amount should be in terms of. |
terminals | IJBTerminal[] | The terminals that the funds are being borrowed from. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | borrowableAmount The amount that can be borrowed from the revnet. |
The amount of the loan that should be borrowed for the given collateral amount.
function _borrowAmountFrom(
REVLoan storage loan,
uint256 revnetId,
uint256 collateralCount
returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
loan | REVLoan | The loan having its borrow amount determined. |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet to check for borrowable assets from. |
collateralCount | uint256 | The amount of collateral that the loan will be collateralized with. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | borrowAmount The amount of the loan that should be borrowed. |
specifies the context as being a single address (20 bytes).
function _contextSuffixLength() internal view override(ERC2771Context, Context) returns (uint256);
Determines the source fee amount for a loan being paid off a certain amount.
function _determineSourceFeeAmount(
REVLoan memory loan,
uint256 amount
returns (uint256 sourceFeeAmount);
Name | Type | Description |
loan | REVLoan | The loan having its source fee amount determined. |
amount | uint256 | The amount being paid off. |
Name | Type | Description |
sourceFeeAmount | uint256 | The source fee amount for the loan. |
Generate a ID for a loan given a revnet ID and a loan number within that revnet.
function _generateLoanId(uint256 revnetId, uint256 loanNumber) internal pure returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet to generate a loan ID for. |
loanNumber | uint256 | The loan number of the loan within the revnet. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The token ID of the 721. |
The calldata. Preferred to use over
function _msgData() internal view override(ERC2771Context, Context) returns (bytes calldata);
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes | calldata The of this call. |
The message's sender. Preferred to use over msg.sender
function _msgSender() internal view override(ERC2771Context, Context) returns (address sender);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The address which sent this call. |
The total borrowed amount from a revnet.
function _totalBorrowedFrom(
uint256 revnetId,
uint256 decimals,
uint256 currency
returns (uint256 borrowedAmount);
Name | Type | Description |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet to check for borrowed assets from. |
decimals | uint256 | The decimals the resulting fixed point value will include. |
currency | uint256 | The currency the resulting value will be in terms of. |
Name | Type | Description |
borrowedAmount | uint256 | The total amount borrowed. |
Open a loan by borrowing from a revnet.
function borrowFrom(
uint256 revnetId,
REVLoanSource calldata source,
uint256 minBorrowAmount,
uint256 collateralCount,
address payable beneficiary,
uint256 prepaidFeePercent
returns (uint256 loanId, REVLoan memory);
Name | Type | Description |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet being borrowed from. |
source | REVLoanSource | The source of the loan being borrowed. |
minBorrowAmount | uint256 | The minimum amount being borrowed, denominated in the token of the source's accounting context. |
collateralCount | uint256 | The amount of tokens to use as collateral for the loan. |
beneficiary | address payable | The address that'll receive the borrowed funds and the tokens resulting from fee payments. |
prepaidFeePercent | uint256 | The fee percent that will be charged upfront from the revnet being borrowed from. Prepaying a fee is cheaper than paying later. |
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan created from borrowing. |
<none> | REVLoan | loan The loan created from borrowing. |
Cleans up any liquiditated loans.
Since some loans may be reallocated or paid off, loans within startingLoanId and startingLoanId + count may be skipped, so choose these parameters carefully to avoid extra gas usage.
function liquidateExpiredLoansFrom(uint256 revnetId, uint256 startingLoanId, uint256 count) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet to liquidate loans from. |
startingLoanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan to start iterating from. |
count | uint256 | The amount of loans iterate over since the last liquidated loan. |
Refinances a loan by transferring extra collateral from an existing loan to a new loan.
Useful if a loan's collateral has gone up in value since the loan was created.
Refinancing a loan will burn the original and create two new loans.
function reallocateCollateralFromLoan(
uint256 loanId,
uint256 collateralCountToTransfer,
REVLoanSource calldata source,
uint256 minBorrowAmount,
uint256 collateralCountToAdd,
address payable beneficiary,
uint256 prepaidFeePercent
returns (uint256 reallocatedLoanId, uint256 newLoanId, REVLoan memory reallocatedLoan, REVLoan memory newLoan);
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan to reallocate collateral from. |
collateralCountToTransfer | uint256 | The amount of collateral to transfer from the original loan. |
source | REVLoanSource | The source of the loan to create. |
minBorrowAmount | uint256 | The minimum amount being borrowed, denominated in the token of the source's accounting context. |
collateralCountToAdd | uint256 | The amount of collateral to add to the loan. |
beneficiary | address payable | The address that'll receive the borrowed funds and the tokens resulting from fee payments. |
prepaidFeePercent | uint256 | The fee percent that will be charged upfront from the revnet being borrowed from. |
Name | Type | Description |
reallocatedLoanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan being reallocated. |
newLoanId | uint256 | The ID of the new loan. |
reallocatedLoan | REVLoan | The loan being reallocated. |
newLoan | REVLoan | The new loan created from reallocating collateral. |
Allows the owner of a loan to pay it back or receive returned collateral no longer necessary to support the loan.
function repayLoan(
uint256 loanId,
uint256 maxRepayBorrowAmount,
uint256 collateralCountToReturn,
address payable beneficiary,
JBSingleAllowance calldata allowance
returns (uint256 paidOffLoanId, REVLoan memory paidOffloan);
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan being adjusted. |
maxRepayBorrowAmount | uint256 | The maximum amount being paid off, denominated in the token of the source's accounting context. |
collateralCountToReturn | uint256 | The amount of collateral to return being returned from the loan. |
beneficiary | address payable | The address receiving the returned collateral and any tokens resulting from paying fees. |
allowance | JBSingleAllowance | An allowance to faciliate permit2 interactions. |
Name | Type | Description |
paidOffLoanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan after it's been paid off. |
paidOffloan | REVLoan | The loan after it's been paid off. |
Sets the address of the resolver used to retrieve the tokenURI of loans.
function setTokenUriResolver(IJBTokenUriResolver resolver) external override onlyOwner;
Name | Type | Description |
resolver | IJBTokenUriResolver | The address of the new resolver. |
Adds collateral to a loan.
function _addCollateralTo(uint256 revnetId, uint256 amount) internal;
Name | Type | Description |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet the loan is being added in. |
amount | uint256 | The new amount of collateral being added to the loan. |
Add a new amount to the loan that is greater than the previous amount.
function _addTo(
REVLoan memory loan,
uint256 revnetId,
uint256 addedBorrowAmount,
uint256 sourceFeeAmount,
IJBTerminal feeTerminal,
address payable beneficiary
Name | Type | Description |
loan | REVLoan | The loan being added to. |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet the loan is being added in. |
addedBorrowAmount | uint256 | The amount being added to the loan, denominated in the token of the source's accounting context. |
sourceFeeAmount | uint256 | The amount of the fee being taken from the revnet acting as the source of the loan. |
feeTerminal | IJBTerminal | The terminal that the fee will be paid to. |
beneficiary | address payable | The address receiving the returned collateral and any tokens resulting from paying fees. |
Allows the owner of a loan to pay it back, add more, or receive returned collateral no longer necessary to support the loan.
function _adjust(
REVLoan storage loan,
uint256 revnetId,
uint256 newBorrowAmount,
uint256 newCollateralCount,
uint256 sourceFeeAmount,
address payable beneficiary
Name | Type | Description |
loan | REVLoan | The loan being adjusted. |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet the loan is being adjusted in. |
newBorrowAmount | uint256 | The new amount of the loan, denominated in the token of the source's accounting context. |
newCollateralCount | uint256 | The new amount of collateral backing the loan. |
sourceFeeAmount | uint256 | The amount of the fee being taken from the revnet acting as the source of the loan. |
beneficiary | address payable | The address receiving the returned collateral and any tokens resulting from paying fees. |
Accepts an incoming token.
function _acceptFundsFor(
address token,
uint256 amount,
JBSingleAllowance memory allowance
returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The token being accepted. |
amount | uint256 | The number of tokens being accepted. |
allowance | JBSingleAllowance | The permit2 context. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | amount The number of tokens which have been accepted. |
Logic to be triggered before transferring tokens from this contract.
function _beforeTransferTo(address to, address token, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | The address the transfer is going to. |
token | address | The token being transferred. |
amount | uint256 | The number of tokens being transferred, as a fixed point number with the same number of decimals as the token specifies. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | payValue The value to attach to the transaction being sent. |
Pays down a loan.
function _repayLoan(
uint256 loanId,
REVLoan storage loan,
uint256 revnetId,
uint256 repayBorrowAmount,
uint256 sourceFeeAmount,
uint256 collateralCountToReturn,
address payable beneficiary
returns (uint256, REVLoan memory);
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan being paid down. |
loan | REVLoan | The loan being paid down. |
revnetId | uint256 | |
repayBorrowAmount | uint256 | The amount being paid down from the loan, denominated in the token of the source's accounting context. |
sourceFeeAmount | uint256 | The amount of the fee being taken from the revnet acting as the source of the loan. |
collateralCountToReturn | uint256 | The amount of collateral being returned that the loan no longer requires. |
beneficiary | address payable | The address receiving the returned collateral and any tokens resulting from paying fees. |
Reallocates collateral from a loan by making a new loan based on the original, with reduced collateral.
function _reallocateCollateralFromLoan(
uint256 loanId,
uint256 revnetId,
uint256 collateralCountToRemove
returns (uint256 reallocatedLoanId, REVLoan storage reallocatedLoan);
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan to reallocate collateral from. |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet the loan is from. |
collateralCountToRemove | uint256 | The amount of collateral to remove from the loan. |
Name | Type | Description |
reallocatedLoanId | uint256 | The ID of the loan. |
reallocatedLoan | REVLoan | The reallocated loan. |
Pays off a loan.
function _removeFrom(REVLoan memory loan, uint256 revnetId, uint256 repaidBorrowAmount) internal;
Name | Type | Description |
loan | REVLoan | The loan being paid off. |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet the loan is being paid off in. |
repaidBorrowAmount | uint256 | The amount being paid off, denominated in the token of the source's accounting context. |
Returns collateral from a loan.
function _returnCollateralFrom(uint256 revnetId, uint256 collateralCount, address payable beneficiary) internal;
Name | Type | Description |
revnetId | uint256 | The ID of the revnet the loan is being returned in. |
collateralCount | uint256 | The amount of collateral being returned from the loan. |
beneficiary | address payable | The address receiving the returned collateral. |
Transfers tokens.
function _transferFrom(address from, address payable to, address token, uint256 amount) internal virtual;
Name | Type | Description |
from | address | The address to transfer tokens from. |
to | address payable | The address to transfer tokens to. |
token | address | The address of the token being transfered. |
amount | uint256 | The amount of tokens to transfer, as a fixed point number with the same number of decimals as the token. |
fallback() external payable;
receive() external payable;
error REVLoans_CollateralExceedsLoan(uint256 collateralToReturn, uint256 loanCollateral);
error REVLoans_InvalidPrepaidFeePercent(uint256 prepaidFeePercent, uint256 min, uint256 max);
error REVLoans_NotEnoughCollateral();
error REVLoans_OverflowAlert(uint256 value, uint256 limit);
error REVLoans_OverMaxRepayBorrowAmount(uint256 maxRepayBorrowAmount, uint256 repayBorrowAmount);
error REVLoans_PermitAllowanceNotEnough(uint256 allowanceAmount, uint256 requiredAmount);
error REVLoans_NewBorrowAmountGreaterThanLoanAmount(uint256 newBorrowAmount, uint256 loanAmount);
error REVLoans_NoMsgValueAllowed();
error REVLoans_LoanExpired(uint256 timeSinceLoanCreated, uint256 loanLiquidationDuration);
error REVLoans_ReallocatingMoreCollateralThanBorrowedAmountAllows(uint256 newBorrowAmount, uint256 loanAmount);
error REVLoans_RevnetsMismatch(address revnetOwner, address revnets);
error REVLoans_Unauthorized(address caller, address owner);
error REVLoans_UnderMinBorrowAmount(uint256 minBorrowAmount, uint256 borrowAmount);
error REVLoans_ZeroCollateralLoanIsInvalid();