The Juicebox protocol is a framework for funding and operating projects openly on Ethereum. It lets you:
Deploy an NFT that represents ownership over a project
Whichever address owns this NFT has administrative privileges to configure treasury parameters within the Juicebox ecosystem.
Configure funding cycles for a project
Funding cycles define contractual constraints according to which the project will operate.
Learn more about funding cycles
The following properties can be configured into a funding cycle:
Funding cycle properties
Start timestamp
The timestamp at which the funding cycle is considered active. Projects can configure the start time of their first funding cycle to be in the future, and can ensure reconfigurations don't take effect before a specified timestamp.
Once a funding cycle ends, a new one automatically starts right away. If there's an approved reconfiguration queued to start at this time, it will be used. Otherwise, a copy of the rolled over funding cycle will be used.
How long each funding cycle lasts (specified in seconds). All funding cycle properties are unchangeable while the cycle is in progress. In other words, any proposed reconfigurations can only take effect during the subsequent cycle.
If no reconfigurations were submitted by the project owner, or if proposed changes fail the current cycle's ballot, a copy of the latest funding cycle will automatically start once the current one ends.
A cycle with no duration lasts indefinitely, and reconfigurations can start a new funding cycle with the proposed changes right away.
Distribution limit
The amount of funds that can be distributed out from the project's treasury during a funding cycle. The project owner can pre-program a list of addresses, other Juicebox projects, and contracts that adhere to IJBSplitAllocator
to split distributions between. Treasury funds in excess of the distribution limit is considered overflow, which can serve as runway or be reclaimed by token holders who redeem their tokens.
Distributing is a public transaction that anyone can call on a project's behalf. The project owner can also include a split that sends a percentage of the distributed funds to the address who executes this transaction.
The protocol charges a JBX membership fee on funds withdrawn from the network. There are no fees for distributions to other Juicebox projects.
Distribution limits can be specified in any currency that the JBPrices
contract has a price feed for.
Overflow allowance
The amount of treasury funds that the project owner can distribute on-demand.
This allowance does not reset per-funding cycle. Instead, it lasts until the project owner explicitly proposes a reconfiguration with a new allowance.
The protocol charges a JBX membership fee on funds withdrawn from the network.
Overflow allowances can be specified in any currency that the JBPrices
contract has a price feed for.
A number used to determine how many project tokens should be minted and transferred when payments are received during the funding cycle. In other words, weight is the exchange rate between the project token and a currency (defined by a JBPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal3_1_1) during that funding cycle. Project owners can configure this directly, or allow it to be derived automatically from the previous funding cycle's weight and discount rate.
Discount rate
The percent to automatically decrease the subsequent cycle's weight from the current cycle's weight.
The discount rate is not applied during funding cycles where the weight is explicitly reconfigured.
Learn more about discount rates
The address of a contract that adheres to IJBFundingCycleBallot
, which can provide custom criteria that prevents funding cycle reconfigurations from taking effect.
A common implementation is to force reconfigurations to be submitted at least X days before the end of the current funding cycle, giving the community foresight into any misconfigurations or abuses of power before they take effect.
A more complex implementation might include on-chain governance.
Reserved rate
The percentage of newly minted tokens that a project wishes to withhold for custom distributions. The project owner can pre-program a list of addresses, other Juicebox project owners, and contracts that adhere to IJBSplitAllocator
to split reserved tokens between.
Learn more about reserved rate
Redemption rate
The percentage of a project's treasury funds that can be reclaimed by community members by redeeming the project's tokens during the funding cycle.
A rate of 100% suggests a linear proportion, meaning X% of treasury overflow can be reclaimed by redeeming X% of the token supply.
Learn more about redemption rates
Ballot redemption rate
A project can specify a custom redemption rate that only applies when a proposed reconfiguration is waiting to take effect.
This can be used to automatically allow for more favorable redemption rates during times of potential change.
Pause payments, pause distributions, pause redemptions, pause burn
Projects can pause various bits of its treasury's functionality on a per-funding cycle basis. These functions are unpaused by default.
Allow minting tokens, allow changing tokens, allow setting terminals, allow setting the controller, allow terminal migrations, allow controller migration
Projects can allow various bits of treasury functionality on a per-funding cycle basis. These functions are disabled by default.
Hold fees
By default, JBX membership fees are paid automatically when funds are distributed out of the ecosystem from a project's treasury. During funding cycles configured to hold fees, this fee amount is set aside instead of being immediately processed. Projects can get their held fees returned by adding the same amount of withdrawn funds back to their treasury. Otherwise, JuiceboxDAO or the project can process these held fees at any point to get JBX at the current rate.
This allows a project to withdraw funds and later add them back into their Juicebox treasury without incurring fees.
This applies to both distributions from the distribution limit and from the overflow allowance.
Data source
The address of a contract that adheres to IJBFundingCycleDataSource
, which can be used to extend or override what happens when the treasury receives funds, and what happens when someone tries to redeem their project tokens.
Mint tokens
By default, a project starts with 0 tokens and mints them when its treasury receives contributions.
A project can mint and distribute tokens on demand if its current funding cycle is configured to allow minting.
By default, project tokens are not ERC-20s and thus not compatible with standard market protocols like Uniswap. At any time, you can issue ERC-20s that your token holders can claim. This is optional.
Burn tokens
Anyone can burn a project's tokens if the project's current funding cycle isn't configured to paused burning.